My luck never quits *rant*

you’re one to talk.

Yea thats not nice, JEG hasn’t threatened anyone in at least 3 months, nor has he really lied or been a buttfucker…

:tup: to JEG being a respectable now

:tup: I think lol.

Knee Surgery FTW

hope not. I had my shoulder reconstructed last summer. It was hell. Couldnt work for months, got in all kinda of debt. I’m finally starting to get my shit back in line and now this. Oh well shit happens right lol. I go to see the othopedic Dr today.

Now that I think of it, with your luck you probably shouldn’t be having sex anyway. You’re either gonna get aids or break your dick.

Workers comp FTW!

I hope you filed an accident report.

Or extend the family tree, which would be bad for us all.

But seriously…um…that uhhh…ahh fuck it, I don’t really care.




PS: you gonna take that girl back to your place and “make some wooooooooooo!”?

Edit: or show how you have this totaly awesome ability to break someones neck?

edit 2: or show her your “totally awesome nunchuck skillz”?

honestly you are one of the whiniest people i know. everytime something happens, you gotta run on here and attempt to solicit attention from everyone


Don’t be jelous just because the girl I fucked last night is hotter than any woman you’ll ever have even glance in your general direction, let alone think of you in any sort of sexual mannor.


did you show the girl your siqqqqqqqqq T-tops?

Pics or 1 year ban


Pics, or i post up the many convos youve had with a certain very good female freind of mine.

all anyone else needs to know, is that theyre pure gold

Oh yes, because you can’t doctor im’s and add shit to them to make them say something different…asshat. :bloated:.

I’ll get pics as soon as I can.


why would i need to doctor im’s?? and theyll be in origional JPEG format…

Please, im an asshole, but im not THAT MUCH of an asshole…

To the rest of the people in this thread , I swear, upon my life and my honor (or lack thereof :P) that these convo’s are 100% totally real… and pure gold…

you have 4 hours to get pics up

Post up w/e the fuck you want. Because I know for a fact that you’re going to change shit to make me look dumb.

if you must see…here’s one of em. I got to her before she became a stripper woot. Say what you want about her but her body is amazing!

18 and a stripper sounds like she has a great head on her shoulders… oh wait she definitely does cause she looks just sooooo fucking beautiful.

I’ve been pretty drunk and tried to talk myself into doing some not so good looking girls, I’m pretty sure i would not bother with that one


as for the convo’s, no, ill wait for a bit, make you sweat,

But believe me, i got some whoppers…

and come on, playing the old “your gonna edit them to make me look dumb” bullshit? Please, i use a Pentium II 300 MHz desktop… the thing barely handles windows XP and Mozilla, let alone Photo shop.

Edit: daaaammmnnn, what is up with that bitches face?


On everything JEG says.