New Driving Laws for Our Shit Hole Province

speeding is acceptable because you can still control your car going 10% faster then the posted limit with no problem. besides, there is speeding, and then there is HOLY FUCK IM GOING THE SPEED OF LIGHT IN A 40 ZONE!

drinking and driving is not acceptable because it messes with your ability to reason. that truck you think is 100 meters away is really 20 meters away, bam. i can barely play forza when i start drinking, never mind drive a real car.

As much as I understand what you are trying to say…

What part of speeding do you NOT understand? If the speed limit is 60, and you decide to go 61, you are speeding and you obviously accept the consequences of doing so.

So what happens if you drink and drive and you blow a limit of let’s say 0.10 when the limit is 0.08? Should they not charge you because it’s just 0.02 over the limit?

^^^what is the difference between doing the speed limit and doing 5 over the speed limit? Simple your not following the law.

What is the difference between not having a drink and driving and having a drink and driving? Simple the law. If you are going to follow the law you need to do so no grey areas. I don’t see why young people can’t do that for a few years.

I know when i got my license i was happy with the fact i was able to drive period. Driving is a privilage not a right and i think that gets lost in peoples opinions.


the difference between a drink, and not a drink, is one impairs judgment and one doesnt.

Im not one of the kids that speeds everywhere all the time. But i do speed, everyone speeds. hell, i was doing the limit on the 404 last week and people were giving flipping me off as the passed.

Okay Adrian you aren’t quite understanding what I’m saying and I think it’s cause of the way I’m saying it…

Short and sweet:

If I’m doing 65 in a 60, I’m speeding. I should get a ticket, not have my license revoked when someone over 21 doing the same thing just gets the tickets like we do now. I’m not saying I shouldn’t be reprimanded, I’m just saying I shouldn’t have my license revoked for something as juvenile in safety’s terms as 5 more kilometers an hour.

Most of the time I do 60 km/h in a 60 anyway. Heck, sometimes I chill in the right lane doing 50.

I’m just saying I should NOT have my license revoked while everyone else deals with the same system we have today just because someones dumbass (I do respect the dead but it was a STUPID move) kid made the worst decision of his life.

I do 100 on the highway. Sometimes 120, depending how much time I have. When I’m doing 100, and I look at all the people doing like 140/150 getting right up my ass and then passing me, they’re almost ALL over 30. I swear to you.

I do 100 on the highway and I pass maybe 1 car doing 85/90 and the rest all pass me like maniacs.

Yet I’m the one that has to have my license suspended? FUCK. THAT.

IMO, the most dangerous thing that i find is how some people merge in the GTA. I take the 404 everyday from hwy7 to sheppard to get to work, and most of the time through rush hour or just before rush hour. Many times i find myself in the precarious position of being behind someone merging at 70 km/h into the right lane. As there are people travelling 100-120 in the right lane who nearly rear end myself as well as some of these slower drivers.

I personally dont think speeding is the problem. I find the problem to be our license graduation system. I just watched the newest Top Gear and they had a segment covering the Finnish licensing system and you wouldnt believe how much Europeans have to go through just to get a full license. I think the G1-G2-G system is weaksauce and needs to be revised.

^^If what you said is true by doing 100 on the hwy and 60 in a 60 you have nothing to worry about. You seem like a pre 21 year old with a good head on your shoulders unfortunately mine and previous genrations screwed up our licensing system.

I think in general our licensing situation sucks. It is far to easy for anyone to get a license in Canada. Just watch Canada’s Worst Driver and you will see what I am talking about. How some people get a license I have no clue.

yo i saw that episode too. i totally wanna kill it on the skid pad with a yaris. and your totally correct, people cant merge for shit here.

Yeah I’m not too worried about it, I’m just saying, if that ONE time where I’m doing 65 or something, I can’t drive anymore. It’s pretty easy to follow the speed limit, but it’s just as easy to go slightly over as well.

Edit: Also, I just don’t agree with why this is being changed. It would be the same as always if this dad didn’t take out his anger on everyone else because of an ill-made decision HIS child made. Obviously he wasn’t properly taught to respect the law himself… The law should be changed because it is absolutely necessary, not because some dude bitched his face off cause he’s upset.

I have a clue. Our licensing system is a a list of things candidates have to avoid doing (ie. speeding, running reds, rolling stops) and a list of things you have to make sure to do, (ie. signalling, full stops, exagerated blindspot checks) There isnt really any system to evaluate an individual’s judgement or capacity for common sense.

jpod, and that’s life. It’s just your luck. Everyone usually speeds, it’s just the unlucky ones that get caught.

Not usually the unlucky, just the ones that stand out. (loud exhaust?)

edit: and when i say “stand out” i mean the aggressive drivers. You can speed and still refrain from driving aggressively.

Exactly… What I’m saying is luck should not put me out of a car for x amount of days while someone who did 75 in a 60 (over 21 years old) opposed to my 65 gets a ticket and lols at it.

You guys said it yourself, speeding is speeding. Why do > 21 year olds get different treatment?

My exhaust is loud, but if I drive like a normal human being, it doesn’t really make much noise at all.

Being picked on cause you decided to have that exhaust on your car is hilarious. My drivers license and ability to drive on public roads is a privilege, not what car I own or what I do to it (unless it’s against the law, and mine isn’t). That car is MINE and I can do whatever the fuck I want to it within the law. Try and tell me that my car is owned by the government and its my privilege to own it.

Whether your exhaust is legal or not, do you think that’s the case for a good portion of “Improper exhaust tickets”? I dont think its fair to make a general statement that just because "your car is legally modified; you wont be harassed. "


Whether you think its hilarious or not doesnt keep it from happening.

edit2: btw josh, add me to msn again i deleted all my contacts by accident.

No, I’m just saying that its silly to be harassed more than others when you’re not driving nearly as retarded as them simply cause your exhaust is different. That’s all.

…i can’t even say anything.
I’m in class so pissed off…

I’m someone whos been in trouble quite large with tickets…w.e
I’ve paid my consequenses and i’ve learned my lesson, but when you direct this kind of thing to EVERY single young adult, now thats just being ignorant.

What about the angry 40yr old trying to get to work in the morning, in his purple dodge caravan? Is he speeding? Causing harm to everyone…including young adults.

Its not gotten to a point where if your going to be pulled over, and know your license is going to be revoked for calmly cruising slightly over the speed limit down a hill, you may as well take the officer for a ride. It won’t change much apparently.

65 in a 60? Have you ever made a right turn onto a street and sped up to the limit, but slightly went over? Your fault…don’t drive your stupid and an inexperienced child, get off the road?

I can’t believe this law, these laws.

So much for enviroment preservation right? I mean i did carpool about 3 months into college, and the driver is actually younger than me…so now appaerntly saving gas, money, and having a nice conversation on the way to school is illegal.

Nice, very nice.
Just shows how much more I love our corrupt biased government.

Fuck off (no one here, just in general…i love sonlings)

Life is unfair dude, you just have to realize that.

When I worked part time at quizno’s, an older lady who was probably in her 40s started working there and she got paid more than me. And we did the same amount of stuff too…

If only Canada were communist.

Yes but Mark, how is it that even well maintained drivers can’t even go out with 3 other people one night to maybe…a family event? or possibly a birthday?

Everyone complains about populated roads, as do I. Now with everyone being forced to drive 1 vehicle per age, than won’t that just crowd things more, say everyone does follow these laws?

The rule about not having more than one teenage passenger in the car is silly i think. sure there are people joy riding in their parents cars. but there are other people who are going to practices, school and even being responsible DESIGNATED drivers. With so much bullshit going on about the environment and trying to get cars off the road, they’re not allowing teenagers to use cars to their potential.
if anything the cellphone ban/ ect was a step in the right direction.

but i agree with cal, they should do more in car driver training with new drivers, apart from being beneficial it would be fun as hell lol