New Driving Laws for Our Shit Hole Province

You have to be careful with protests, cause a lot of people view them as negative disruptive things. That’s all.

i havent read most of the recent posts but let me say this about the multi-passenger law.

Not allowing more than 1 passenger means that when you are in a group of 4 you must now take 2 CARS to the movie theatre, ball park, mall etc.

effectively doubling the exposure to a risk.

I learned to drive in my mom’s mini-van, i had 2,3,4 and even 5 passengers (all with seatbelts) in the van and we went everywhere. i drove to Toronto, to Niagara Falls, we went out early, went out late etc.

Either way, limiting passengers does not increase road safety. By forcing more teenagers to drive themselves it is bad for road safety and the environment.

It’s obvious the government really thought this one out.

^^ On that note Bing, all this is gonna do is make these idiots start racing each other to places now, instead of keeping the stupidity confined to one space.

This whole thing is retarded. God I love Ontario.

Ya that passenger rule is really retarded…
making us take out multiple cars will almost guarantee speeding or possibly even racing…

and isn’t that bad for the environment? lol so much for lowering emmissions,
first they say car pool now they tells us two go for 10 car cruises every week -_-

GooOoOood things grooooOOOw in On…tariO!

lol Win

that is so gay, im turning 21 soon. the other day i got pulled over for nothing litrally cop pulled me over took my liecence and asked me to step out. didnt ask for ownership or insurance and then searched my car and let me go. it wasnt like it was 2 am and it looked liek i was upto something it was 4pm. i just left my house.

good thing is none of the people i hang out are teens.

full car of kids blazing geting high is worse the two kids and if ur doing 5-10 over the speed limit u are not gonna get a ticket

speeding infraction: 50+ pluck that license. 2 tickets at anything less, pluck that license.

taking a license away for a 65 in a 50 once is silly. That shit happens on accident anyways.

Passenger law will make the roads more dangerous by putting more teenagers in more cars driving to the same destination with each other. This will cause more accidents, more racing, more driving while intoxicated because you now need a designated driver for every drunk… not 1 for 3.

All in all, it’s the common theme of criminalizing non-criminal behaviour.

Weird thing is that this is not even a cash grab since there isnt much money to be had from the target demographic here… Since there is no profiteering, like there is with the 50+ tickets, this just doesnt add up politcally speaking.

Let’s spend more of our officer’s time enforcing laws that have a questionable social beneift at best, and may actually be counter-productive entirely at their worst, rather than focusing on real crimes, real issues.

How about sending cops in to arrest politicians who accept bribes? or anyone involved with that gun control fiasco… NO WAY!!!.. that’s real crime, we stay away from that shit.

Seriously ticks me off. This father of the idiot son must have serious connections to be able to get personal phone calls from the McGuinty and get this shit passed.

It frustrates me because it not only affects my ability to go out. But also undermines my own intelligence. I, as well as many other responsible young adults have worked extremely hard to have cars in today’s day and age and to be treated with such disrespect with the passing of these two laws…makes me sick.

I could care less about the alcohol because I agree, it is stupid. However the other two take away from the freedoms every other citizen has. If you must pass a law that states young adults going over the speed limit is an automatic license suspension. Then have the balls to go all out and make automatic license suspension for EVERYONE going over the speed limit. I’m old enough to vote just like 21+ people, I am responsible enough to make my own decisions just like you. Therefore, if you think you can take away and restrict me by enforcing these new laws, then you damn well better make it apply for everyone.

if this shit actually passes, fuck it. If i’m driving and see the cherries come on I might as well run, worst that can happen is I lose my license… right?

Retarded law and the reasoning behind it even more so. I’m sorry to the father for his loss but i mean come on, if your sons stupid enough to drive home after having 31 drinks then you obviously did something wrong. I do agree with the zero blood/alcohol level law though.

But speeding…?? I say the OP creates a poll in here asking how many people have got a speeding ticket under the age of 21, i’m almost positive it will be plenty higher then 50%. Hell, even talk to your parents and ask them. I personally never see this part actually happening, its too harsh of a law for what could be a verry petty crime, Their Dicks but it’d have too much opposition and flaws

The limit on passengers is 100% absolutly RETARDED. I can see where the coming from, influence, peer pressure, ect, ect… But theres wayy to many other factors that completly over power the pros. Instead of taking one car to the movies, lets get another kid to get his parents car for the night and drive there with his buddy driving beside him. 4 Kids + 2 Expensive cars that do not belong to them /= Safe. Nothing good can come from having multiple cars with teenage drivers driving together, Nothing. Another example, When going to a party thats a decent distance away it hard enough to convince one of your buddies to be the DD to transport everyone there and back, But only allowing one teen passenger, will just further provoke driving drunk. I’m not speaking for eveyone here but, I definatly drive safer with more people in my car, and more accepting to open it up, or take corners a bit faster with only one other in the car.

For the most part were all young and its a stage were going to have to go threw so bite your tongue and stick it out. Its part of the cons of growing up unfortunately.

Ermmm… Having our license suspended for doing the same thing someone over 21 might be doing at the same time without getting their license suspended is NOT part of growing up. Especially if you don’t speed often at all but just so happen to hit 65/70 at one point.

I wouldn’t call it a perk

You guys are taking it way to far with the speeding, I’m sure they’re going to have to make stipulations. they will probably put a limit onto this, and furthermore, get Your G licenses if You can, generally when they make these laws (like the similar ones they implemented 2 years ago) it usually only applies to those still in the graduated license classes. (g1, g2)

As big of dicks that cops can be sometimes, Im sure if you’re obeying all laws and travelling with the flow of traffic, you aren’t going to be singled out for going 63 in a 60. Don’t forget, cops don’t like to be stuck behind ass draggers either.

Being harassed and judged upon by your age has been part of everyone’s lives for years and years therefor it is part of blooming threw your young adult years. I do not agree with the laws they put out there as much as you or anyone but i doubt any of us have much say in what laws they put out. For the most part they use these laws as scare tactics more often then they enforce them. Ive been in some nasty situations and gotten nothing but a slap on the hand.

i cant add polls… :confused:

It’s retarded things like this that make me feel better about being in Europe. No retarted laws here.

Then again I don’t have to wory about this I’m 31… so I will just sit back and laugh! HAHAHAHA suckers.

Stop complaining when I was your ages I used to walk 10 kilometers uphill through 10 feet of snow with wooden shoes just to go to school.

Mark your 21 now! Wow you can legally drink in USA now, Congrats dude!