New York needs to raise taxes

I just heard it on the radio, some group called the New Yorker’s For Fiscal Responsiblilty (or w/e) paid for a spot.

It has finally happened, I am speechless.

Wait wait wait.

There are a group of independent people calling for higher taxes?


Gotta be a union backed group because more taxes = more money for them.

Did they just flat out say “New york needs to raise taxes”?

I never listen to regular radio since I got XM, I haven’t heard this.

There are a whole bunch of powerful unions and lobbies in NY that are scared about getting their funding cut. If they don’t want funding cuts the only other option is increase revenue, which when you’re the state of NY with it’s failed economy that revenue is taxes. I’m sure you’ll be hearing all kinds of scare tactic ads coming out of these groups in the coming weeks.

“If we don’t raise taxes, NY is going to close down all the good schools and make you send your kids to failing inner city schools”.

“If we don’t raise taxes, NY is going to cut police and fire services, and drug dealers are going to burn your house down”

“If we don’t raise taxes, NY is going to kick elderly people out of nursing homes and into the street”

“If we don’t raise taxes, NY is going to cut it’s healthcare programs and millions of children are going to die”

etc etc etc

lol at this one

“If we don’t raise taxes, NY is going to cut police and fire services, and drug dealers are going to burn your house down”

and this one

“If we don’t raise taxes, NY is going to cut it’s healthcare programs and millions of children are going to die”

(they will just move some where else …why do you think they are all here in erie county)

Pretty much except they say the “rich” need to pay more.
After seeing how much NYS workers make in the other thread maybe THEY should pay higher taxes since higher taxes are how they get paid.:biglaugh:
Wait, did that make sense?

I think you divided by 0.

I think we need to pay more taxes so that more people can go on welfare, and have kids in order to get more money…

Naw, infinite loop. He drove inflation to infinity and crashed the compiler.

I think we should sell welfare babies to China.

He activated the y2k bug. Now it’s 1908 and he’s the only one here still alive…

And he’s loving life because China and India are just some mysterious far away places that nobody goes to and nothing comes from.

Except tea from the British East India company and opium.

:lol: If AWDrifter could go back in time I bet he’d go back and make sure Sam Walton had a nasty accident as a child.

Sam was actually all about buying american. that whole “Sam’s American Choice” thing. It’s when he died that teh whole company went to hell, err china.

so waltons kids and grand kids are the greedy ones. Little bastards driving up the economy in china.

Same difference.

Either way, no Sam no Walmart.

i wish i could give you more karma for this