Galisano leaving NY

Galisano says it costs him $13,000 a day in taxes living NY so he is leaving.(Following in Rush’s footsteps) Personally, I hope all of the heavy hitters leave NY.
What can we learn from this?

I just something on TV last night about how California and NY are the most “liberal” states when it comes to handouts, benefits, etc. They both happen to be in the WORST financial situations as well. And to think Obama, Pelosi, and team want to make the entire country more like NY and California.:picard:

He’s not “leaving”

He’s living in FL for 6 months & 1 day

That’s a shame. He did good things for the community, and I am sure his tax dollars bought a shit house of MD 20/20 down in NYC.

pelosi is a lieing cunt rag who deserves to be exiled from the country. that is all i have to contribute.

he has been living in FL already, hes just making it perm. with paper work and all that jazz

Saw this yesterday. I’m sure he won’t be the only one.

Do you have to be ghey all of the time?:mamoru:
The point is TAXES and he won’t be paying NY any longer. Jesus.

so that’s like $4.7 million in taxes per year?

this would mean he is making so much money that he wouldn’t want to leave if he was smart.

you don’t get taxed for being rich, you get taxed on income.

^ Wat? Yeah he is obviously NOT smart.
Paychex is staying here.

then what are you bitching about… new york will still be getting the tax money.

LOL You really think it is that simple huh?

Do you know there is difference between Corp. and personal taxes?

this makes no sense.

he is leaving because NYS taxes on his income are insane. what does being rich or not have to do with it?

if he moves, he doesn’t stop making money, he just doesn’t pay as much in taxes what he reports.

it makes perfect sense…

the only reason you and I should care is because NY loses taxes. if all the businesses stay here then so will the majority of the tax money.

It’s income tax he’s talking about saving… If he spends more than 6 months in FL he does not have to pay income tax in NY because according to NY he is no longer a permanent resident. FL has no income tax, so all that tax he was paying in NY stays in his pocket. 5 million in tax money for NY, poof, gone. Jack up the income tax on people who have the means to live where ever they want and this shouldn’t come as a shock that more leave.

Maybe we’ll get a good power forward and a couple defensemen with the money. :lol:

I’m not a tax law expert… but if you own a business in a different state, you don’t pay all of the taxes in your residence state alone.

Dude, it’s income tax, not the tax on his business. He has to pay himself… if he lives in FL, then he doesn’t pay NYS taxes on that.

this = easier than rocket surgery

the plane will take off

so back to “new york loses 4.7 mil” based on 13k per day. If his new york businesses are so successful that he’s personally making so much money then his real value is in the businesses of his that reside in NY.


Good God man…his BUSINESSES are making the $.

From those…he earns a Salary of some sort. Those tax dollars are now ZERO