New Yorkers leaving at alarming rate

New Yorkers Leaving At An Alarming Rate

NEW YORK (WIVB) - Taxes and fees may be driving New Yorkers out of the state at an alarming rate.

The Empire Center for New York State Policy said about 8% of the state’s population left between 2000 and 2008.

The center said it’s the biggest out of state migration in the U.S. and those who are staying in New York State are making 13% less than those who left.



And where are they leaving to? Oh yeah, red states like GA, NC, SC, FL and TX.

Keep voting Democrat NY. Soon they only employer in the state will be the government.

I’m happy moving to TN and keeping a lot more of my check…plus making about 25% more than I’d ever hope to make in Rochester. :tup:

Hawaii here I come.

In for Joe’s response.

I can’t wait to leave the area. The only reason I am still here is to care for a family member after that is done Nevada here I come. No Corperate tax and and no state income tax. People who say the WNY is great place to live should travel more and see what the rest of the world is doing. My sister left and is quite happy in Berlin. If she had to come back to the states the WNY area would be one of last places she would reside.


From one of the highest taxed states in the Union to another of the highest taxed states in the Union…

ok, and? Would you rather pay high taxes and live in NY, or pay high taxes and live in Hawaii? Location, location, location. Think of it as getting taxed for being awesome.

I don’t know. I’ve never been to Hawaii. I can say NYS sucks balls and I will jump at the chance to leave once I’ve fleeced it’s public education system of a cheap JD.


My employer just left out of state because of taxes too, lost my job a couple weeks ago. I’m seriously considering checking out SC soon before the snow starts here, gotta make sure my car is in tip-top shape for the 12 hour drive. Unless I find another job that won’t start me for under 12 bucks an hour which is doubtful.

We beg these corporations to not outsource jobs then we slap them with huge taxes. Why build a new factory in NC when you can build one in Mexico for the same cost and get dirt cheap labor?

The only thing holding the remaining big companies back is that initial cost of building a new facility.

There should be a moving out of NY tax.

You should email that to Patterson, he’ll probably give you a $100k/yr job for coming up with it.

and guess how they’re voting when they get there :present:

I guess they didn’t learn form their past mistakes.

Sweet. I have more brilliant ideas for him too. lol

Exactly!! They bring their disease with them…

On a side note, a lot of the people leaving NY are people in the NYC area that move to Jersey for a cheaper cost of living.

this has only been going on for a couple centuries now :rimshot: