New Yorkers leaving at alarming rate

Florida and New Jersey were the most popular destinations for people moving out of New York. Florida gained 312,140 former New York residents, who had an estimated $9.2 billion of adjusted gross income.

Other states attracting the most New Yorkers were Connecticut, North Carolina and Pennsylvania.

Hmm thats funny…those are all blue states in the last election.
Yes taxes play a role, but there’s more than that. Downstate is ridiculously expensive to live in. Upstate is super poor and there is a shortage of decent paying jobs. Not to mention the weather is atrocious. Old people simply don’t want to deal with that.


Really, l-fucking-l oh l. Every political post you make is pro-left, and pro-left NY just fucked you. In my best Nelson voice, HA-HA.

You know what NY’s biggest cost item is? Medicaid. It’s 40% of our budget. You know who stops us from cutting Medicaid every year, despite NY paying as much as than the next two highest cost Medicaid states combined? Sheldon Silver and his democrat controlled Assembly.

From one of the other political threads:


I’m loving no state income tax!! Haha suckers.

GA here, along with about 5 other people I know from Buffalo are down here.

and glitch, SC is high unemployment right now, look into NC!

I think everyone can agree that NY’s Medicaid system is fucked and needs a massive overhaul.


Then why are you still voting Dem in NY? Putting all the national stuff aside, why are you voting Dem in NY?

Because as long as Sheldon Silver is speaker in the Assembly NY Medicaid will NEVER change. He has flat out said any cuts in that area are off the table. And since we can’t vote against him the only way he’s getting removed is to have a Republican controlled Assembly so he could no longer be the speaker.

My Assemblyman is Jim Hayes, a Republican. I’d consider voting for him. I do hate Silver.


Well can I ask (to keep my learning adventures up this week) what is the incentive at this point for any working person, entrepreneur or business, to stay here lol?

If I stay it will be solely because either a) Im licensed in NY. b)family reasons or c) there is a massive change soon. And this kills me because geographically and culturally, I really do LOVE Western New York

Surely Albany cant expect everyone here who is about to graduate from the SUNY system to feel as compassionate as I do, so what do they expect is going to happen? I see this number just growing more and more.

I’m always convinced that people answer these threads by gut instinct so I tried to find out how individuals do with taxes in NY. It’s nowhere as bad as people make it out to be.

an interesting article:

we’re #6 for high personal taxes, not that bad really.

6. New York
Population: 19.4 million
Average tax burden per person: $3,019
Keep in mind that these numbers cover 2008's tax receipts. Why does that matter? Because with Wall Street crashing and burning since the 2007-2008 tax year, it's impossible to imagine New York State getting $36.5 billion (or $1,876 per person) in individual income tax. It's no wonder Gov. David Patterson has floated proposals to tax such trivial things as soda and candy bars--the state really needs the money.

MOBOOST, there are a few reasons why people stay

  1. friends and family
  2. comfort level
  3. nyc is actually pretty awesome, some find that it’s worth dealing with the bs

Haha and the point I was making is thats pathetic if thats whats keeping people here. Sadly, like I said, I may be that pathetic person some day but im really gonna try to avoid that.

Quite the optimist (or ignoramus) we have here. You do realize there are 50 states right? 6th worse out of 50 is bad no matter how you cut it.

And that’s just individual tax burden. NY is even worse for businesses so they leave and as an individual you’re stuck with high taxes and less jobs.

yeah, I never really understood it

also, you should realize that a lot of people have a MUCH different idea of what other places are like.

One of my buddies from home keeps asking me if there is anything to do where I live, if it is super rural, how much of a redneck place is it, etc… It’s really fucking ignorant. He thinks that LI/NYC is the end-all be-all location. However, he has NEVER explored anywhere. He has never visited me in NC (I’ve been here for 1.5 years). The truth is, there is a TON of sfuff to do. It isn’t rural AT ALL. Not redneck AT ALL.

Some people are just too ignorant to understand it. Those people need to open their eyes up and explore this country. There are TONS of great places to live other than where you grew up. You owe it to yourself to explore them.

you do realize how state population and other factors play into this? I’m happy with 6th, I would have though worse.

I’m not concerned with businesses for the needs of this thread.


state income tax… .whats that?


Yeah, because people don’t need private sector jobs to stay in NY, we can all work for the government or go on welfare.

it’s not that it’s not important, it’s that I consider it a separate and different discussion. This thread is about people leaving, not businesses.

^ People leave for two reasons though… taxes, and jobs.