Who else is getting tired of NYS?

Lately, with everything going on with our state govn’t, with taxes, and with all the stupid rules/regs they pass every year in NYS, I am just getting fed up with it. The only problem is, I love the geography of NYS and the 4 seasons. But lately that dosn’t seem like enough.

I have been thinking a lot lately what it would be like to live in another state and did some research. Pretty much ANYWHERE I move, I will save thousands, almost tens of thousands every year just by not living in NY and paying the rediculous fees/taxes they have here. If I were to move to Vermont, which is right next door with similiar geology and the same 4 seasons, I would save literally 10G a year. Crazy.

Where do I sign up? I always thought of Arizona… ah, pipe dreams. Medical issues kinda limit what I can do.

i moved to ct a few years ago just because i was tired of NYS, it was a change no doubt.

NY would be perfect if the govt wasnt there…:lol

I honestly love it here, other than the BS. Cops need to be more laxxed when it comes to vehicle infractions imo, and concentrate on the REAL crimes being committed. Inadequate exhaust is not a crime, no matter how many times its written in a penal code book lol.

Ive thought about moving out of NY plenty of times. But its difficult being that all of my family is up here. My sister moved to Virginia in the fall because it was “cheaper” to live down there, which it is… However I guess jobs are tough, even worse than NY and comparable jobs dont pay as much as up here. So it makes ya wonder if moving is really gonna save you much. You would probably save money on one thing, but spend what you saved on another.

If I moved, it would be to TX for sure!

i lived in vt and s/c .loved em both to bad legal obligations brought me back once i can afford to get out my fat ass is gone

I could see you living in VT…

One of the many reasons I’m outta here.

fuck yeah in ludlow right near okemo ,an killington dude in the winter all it was ,was a snobunny party

I have always thought about the Carolinas. But I like the snow too, so right now it’s Vermont.

i was thinkin vt also but there gettin emmisions soon to so …ill some place else as vt its hard as hell to get a inspector lic how would any of my toys be legal or others i know lolol

Ive heard Tennessee is nice. Id love to live somewhere without a cold winter.

Unfortunately almost my whole family lives within an hour of me so that makes me not want to leave right now.

Not like I could afford to move to a different state anyway. Im too broke to pay attention.

ya can live in the tent …shit ya got a shitter mattress ,vacuum,and a roof over your head .what more do ya need.


I just dont think i could just get up and move wicked far away from all my friends and family.

dude in time you will learn all friends will walk away …or in adams case he will rape ya

haha I hope not… I mean it depends what you mean by walk away. I have a ton of friends down in the city but I have just lost touch with them because of the distance. Sucks, but thats life i guess

But the quitting my job part means no money and that means no truck.

Ive heard Adam likes to do that.

Ive lost touch with a few friends here and there for various reasons. I really dont see anybody from high school.

id like to one day move, maybe after college. maryland/virgina is nice from what ive seen