Who else is getting tired of NYS?

At least NYS schools made sure at least one person can spell ridiculous.

shut up fluffy ,i got my g.e.d in jail how smart can i bee

Not you, OP.


I’m getting tired of all the girls allowing themselves to become fat ugly mooses. They just so happen to reside in this state in large numbers so yes, I am getting tired of NYS.

yeah im gettin pretty goddamn sick and tired of all these looters and polluters.


:rofl :rofl :rofl

You would be unpleasantly surprised if you moved then… lol

I’m sorry but California/the west coast > upstate ny for females…

I would move to northern cali if any thing. Still can hit up mountains for snow boarding or the beach

One of the few states. Give Alabama a try :lol. Ny is about on par with Cali/FL/TX. Of course they edge us out b/c our hookers have to cover up for a few months out of the year, which is totally unacceptable!

Ditto If I move, and I may, its going to be TX or CA.

And how can you compare upstate NY girls to CA, lol.

Why would anyone who is complaining about things being ridiculously outta control expense wise think California would be a better place to be?! So much more money out there to live for cost of living.

Contrary to popular belief, living in Cali is not that expensive if you dont live near LA/OC/SD areas. If you can get something in the outskirts/canyons a bit you can get a great deal.

In real estate, maaaaybee, but CA is the ONLY state more expensive to live in than NY. Going the wrong direction if you want to save money when you move.

I wasn’t reallly talking about saving money, more like getting out of NYS.

I thought that too, until half my family moved to North Carolina. How convenient! I’m heading down for a week in February and if I like it… who knows.

Ah well then definitely do that.

Unless you like the architectural use of concrete and 0*F wind chills then Albany is perfect.

:rofl I’m so outta here WOO!

i lived in wilmington, nc and it was a drastic change from upstate, ny. some parts i liked, some i didnt. i liked the fact that it was $50/month for electric and heat in the winter. I liked the fact that property taxes are like $1k for a $150k home. I liked the fact that said $150k home is a brand new 3bd/2bt 2 car garage.

I didn’t like being far from my family and that there wasnt an autumn. However, I lived right next to the beach and if you move more to the north and west it is “similar” to nys as far as topography and weather just not as drastic in the winter.

however, certain items we found to be more expensive than living in ny such as food and household items, car insurance, registration (taxed every year based on car’s value), medical expenses.