Who else is getting tired of NYS?

Everyone has heard the phrase

‘The grass is always greener on the other side’

I’m not arguing that some of the fees/taxes in this state aren’t absurd but…

People need to realize that almost 75% of the cost of government goes to pay and benefits for employees. It’s true from the local level all the way up to the state. Everyone on here is probably related to or at least knows someone who works for the state. My parents work for the school district and 3 of my aunts and uncles work for the state.

I’m not blowing smoke either, I’m a Trustee in the Village of Scotia. I deal with people complaining about taxes every week. What they don’t realize is that the services they appreciate and expect (paid fire and police, street lights, sidewalks, trash collection, leaf pick-up, etc.) cost money. If they want taxes cut they should expect a reduction in services.

Where else can you live where you are three hours from NYC, Boston and Montreal? An hour to Lake George, 1/2 hour to Saratoga and the track. Ski places within 2 hours. Beach/Ocean within 3 hours, etc. etc. etc.

Every place has it’s problems.

Good post.

To add but a little off OT I just heard NYS passed a bill where if you under the age of 29 years old and residing under your parents house and one of your parents work for the state, you can qualify for health benefits.

See, that’s the problem right there. That’s way too far.

Move closer and get all your shit swept away by a hurricane then.

NorCal FTW

WTFBBQ that’s bullshit… Wayne can I move in and be your son? :lol

Jason, I lived in Florida already. I’m not afraid of hurricanes anymore. :lol

In my opinion, the grass IS greener on the other side. I’ve lived out of state. The NYS gov is too huge and too wasteful. The rest of us that don’t work for the government pay so much more per person than any other state except CA. Some people believe it’s worth it, some people don’t.

Hurricanes are nice to sleep to…
Oh wait, that’s thunderstorms.

Fair enough.

Don’t get me wrong, I agree that the state government is getting too big.

Let me be clear, I have lived out of state as well (Rhode Island) and I don’t work for the state.

The taxes are waht keeps me here…I cant afford to move.

i’d have to agree with the o.p. nys sucks a big one. if it wasn’t for my daughter and mother, i’d be long gone outta here. this place is like a fucking wasteland.

if you like the weather here you oughta check out vermont, new hampshire, etc… n.h. is really nice.

After living all over the country, I have to say NYS dosent live up to the hype. Especially the Lake George area (Im in Queensbury). Nothing but tourists in the summer, and digging yourself out of the driveway in the winter. Spring/Fall isnt too bad, but still. Ive lived in AZ, and absolutely loved it. If I didnt have any family here, Id be long gone. This place is a black hole. Once your in, your never leaving.

I have thought the same thing, Me and my fiance are actually saving up to move to Tucson, Arizona, its so beautiful there, and with taxes for ur house its way better than here. For example taxes around here are like $5500+ a year for a krappy house, out there u pay 1% of the cost of ur house, I saw a beautiful house for 199,999 and the taxes are $1900 a year! its crazy and worth it and saves so much and everything is cheaper there too. Hopefully by christmas we will be living there, I would suggest everyone leave NY lol its just going downhill fast.

My g/f had just moved back from tucson when i started going out with her. She said the job market there is kinda bleak, and things just wernt working out with other options so she moved back.

She always talks about how awesome it was. I just dont think I could handle the heat

Tricia I have family out there, and if you move there too… I don’t know man. Might have to make a cross country road trip. :excited

I had a friend who lived in Arizona as well. The weather, cost of living are awesome. She also said the job market isn’t great which is why she moved back to the area. No matter where you go, everywhere has a negative in some way. As much as I say I can’t stand this place sometimes, it’s home to me.

Psh, home is where you make it? Or something like that.

Here is what will settle the argument.

Google Search reveals
of about 4,460,000 for ny sucks
of about 5,760,000 for ca sucks
of about 2,340,000 for nc sucks
of about 1,800,000 for fl sucks
of about 1,840,000 for tx sucks

Texas and Florida are the two most satisfying states to live in. Cali is worst.

Either that or people in FL or TX don’t have internet connections :lol

What? You want to see homo’s naked?


Forgot all about that.
Well played sir, +rep for you.