New Yorkers leaving at alarming rate

those are the headline reasons, but if you follow real people (and not money) people come and go for many more reasons.

I can’t go anywhere else in the county and make more money in my position without my cost of living going up so much that it cancels it out and then some.

People go where jobs go. No jobs, no people.

thank you captain obvious.

there are plenty of jobs in New York, otherwise we wouldn’t be the state with the 3rd highest population with an increasing population currently.

There are plenty of jobs in NYC. Not NYS.

my bad, I though NYC was in NYS.

PS, we’ll be 4th in population in no time at the rate NY government employees head to Florida to retire on their tax free bloated NY pensions.

omg diaf

Wait? Because I rip on Fox News and Glen Beck, I’m automatically pro-left? The reason why I seem like that to you is because I love challenging point of views from idiots like you who see everything in a blue or red light which gets us no where in todays politics.

There’s another difference between us. I’m a true republican(registered and everything) with true conservative values. You are just a neocon puppet supporting corrupt politicians simply because they have an R infront of their name. The republican party has been hijacked and you’re too dumb to realize it.

You are also a complete idiot to blame WNY’s economy entirely on Democrats, there are A LOT of factors!

It makes me wonder how people can be soo dumb and still be semi-successful, JayS proves it’s about who you know, not what you know. :slight_smile:



You would.

I don’t understand how you can think that business is a different discussion. They are all directly tied together - not business friendly=no jobs=people go elsewhere. And let’s be realistic, the people I laid-off are not going to get jobs at Bank of America in NYC.

I’m tired of all the GOP v Dem back-and-forth. In NYS they are both the same.

Instead we should all start voting out these pathetic incumbents and get people in there who are willing to enact change and are not in the pockets of all these special interests.

I know lol, I’m a uber hater of Buffalo haha.

You might want try doing a search for your posts and rethink your political affiliation then. You’re ideals, at least based on your posts, make you about as Republican as Joel Giambra, the classic RINO.

Look, I didn’t like a lot of the things Bush did in his last 4 years either, but it doesn’t mean I’m hopping on the Obama wagon like you apparently have.

And yes, when NY Medicaid spending is as out of control as it is, and one party has been the one to keep it that way for over 20 years, I’m quite comfortable placing the majority of NY’s tax problems squarely on that party. We’re not talking about a budget item that’s 5%, 10% or even 20% of the budget. It’s 40% of the entire state operating budget. Even with leaving all the other corruption in this state simply chopping our Medicaid benefits down to the median levels of the other 50 states would transform this state overnight. Sure, we wouldn’t be the #1 state in taxes, but we wouldn’t be be fighting for the top 5 worst.

BED: same root cause, different topics.

manufacturing jobs are leaving and tech jobs are growing (but slowly).

Every time I hear this I want to punch babies. It’s the dumbest political idea on earth. “I’m voting for the other guy”. Guess what, that’s what got us 3 Democrats in a closed room crafting the NY budget this year. The Republican controlled senate lost a few seats because ignorant voters went out and voted “for the other guy” and we ended up with one of the worst budget messes the state has ever seen. 3 men in a room has never been great, but at least when it was 2 Republicans and a Democrat, or 2 Democrats and a Republican there was some concessions that had to be made.