New York State inspection

forget it

Cool, where do you work? What can you do?

forget it


I’m interested in seeing where this goes. Lets say my ck eng lite is on can ya help??

My muffler is split and i have a 2.5 foot crack in my windshield will you pass me?

Or I gut my headers so there is no cat…

im guessing obd1 and preobd right…

cant help sorry

forget it



hay now!!! i never said that.

spell it out for me, I’m slow.

I am OBD1 though…

i manifest the :lockd: coming soon.


dude hook me up. What happens if i get pulled over since most police agency’s now have access to what sticker belongs on what car?? (and some even check it)

sherm FU LOL

cant help you sorry

fuck em.

dude, you’re like OBDZero. Theydon’t even do emissions on the 1960s cars do they?

naaaa not my fun car, i’ve got a couple of work cars that are in need of an inspection.

and if obd1 started around 83ish than a 70’s would be obd 0 so a 60’s car would be OBD-1