Newbies with Liter bikes.




crashing at 50mph is the same regardless of what bike you ride. for christ sake, you can die crashing a BMX bike at 5mph… you elitest motorcycle clowns kill me.


The R6 is mighty taller though. Further from the ground = more hurtness.

yes while it is a giraffe bike the slight difference in nothing when youre getting laid out at XX speed, youre in for a painful experience regardless. and most times youre getting thrown from the bike in some way. low siding and sliding is probably one the least common crash(because not many new riders are trying to drag knee) so the weight also wont has as much of an effect either since it wont be laying ontop of you

Vlad you have posted about this exact topic each and every spring ever since I’ve been browsing this forum. :rofl

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time. I feel thats the way these threads always go lol.

Actually, previous years he’s been fighting against n0obz on 600’s. Now this thread is liter bikes. Regardless, same results.

why is this thread not locked yet?

Same concept. With the launch of Jersey Shore everyone’s balls are bigger than ever and thus require beginning on liter bikes instead of the 600’s

They are gonna hit the ceiling with zx-14 and busa in a couple years.
Goldwings next? :lol


Originally Posted by AMD IS THE BEST
There can be as many of these threads started as you’d like; nothing will changed and the same arguments will be made.

Lock 1


I started on an 01’ GSXR 1000. It was my first bike and I still have it. Wait a min, damn, I started out on an 88’ QT-50 Moped in the yard, technically. That is where my love for wheelies started. Anyways, first street bike was the Gixxer. I took the MSF course at HVCC to get my license when I was 18. Rode a friends bikes about 4 or 5 times then bought mine. I had no clue it was going to happen. I had been obsessed with bikes for years but the rents wouldn’t allow it. I had researched that bike to be the “perfect bike” in my mind. It was all about articles read on it and technical data. It’s how I do it. I in no way thought I’d ever own one. Then I turned 21 and a local dealer had a used one in minty shape. I pissed a lot of people off, but I went for it. I knew I wasn’t going to do anything stupid on it or crazy. It was a work of art to me. Sure it’s older and outdated some, now, but I still love the thing. Never crashed it or even had a close call for the first 2 years I owned it. Just rode it like a normal person. Every once in a while, I’d get it up to 70-80 maybe. But then I started riding with some old highschool friends. They showed me how to ride and what riding a motorcycle is about. I started the next season riding on a few good back roads and teaching myself how to be smooth with the bike and to trust the tires. It’s all been fun and I’ve never really had any close calls. I give myself the room I feel I need to be able to compensate for an obstical in the road. Just like I do if I’m riding my little NX-250. The 1000 has tons of power, but it’s really not hard to ride it like a moped. I wanted even more take off, so I geared it +3 in the rear. I don’t really know about twitchy throttle, seems smooth to me. This all being said. I always lean towards getting the faster thing and I’m glad I do. I’ve ridden many of friends 600’s and find them not nearly as much fun as my 1000. They all complain how I can pull away out of corners on them. Numbers wise, a 600 really isn’t all that much slower. But until you feel the midrange power of a 1000, you don’t know what you’re missing. Whatever you do, you know yourself the best. If you can’t ride, don’t. If you can, buy whatever bike you want.

P.S. (There was a older guy in my MSF class who got scared, gave a Rebel 250 way to much throttle and let the clutch out, then wheelied it into a fence, true story. Anyways, there’s someone that shouldn’t be on a motorcycle, no matter how many cc it has.)

OK super cereal post here.

I’m a LANKY motherfucker (6’5" 205lbs) and have been considering getting a bike for a year or so. What should I start out on? I feel like I wouldn’t even MOVE on a 250 so I was thinking a 450cc motard kind of deal like AlpineSkiier has would be more appropriate.


Depending how much risk you want to take on you can start on anything.

With that said a super motard is a fantastic choice.

Only way to find out is by riding a 250, they are great little bikes and do a very good job of teaching the fundementals though not for everyone. Even the 500s are a bit bigger and can actually get out of there own way. I’d recommend starting on a SV650 as I’m sure Vlad would as well, great little bikes. I actually got one last year to supplement my SS so I could ride sometimes worrying more about my form and being smooth than my throttle and brake control.

I started on a '93 Katana 750, not the best beginners bike but it was much better than starting out on the Daytona 675 I have now, in my mind, and I dropped it at least once getting used to how to handle a bike.

Have you learned nothing kramer?

Busa or ZX-14 or you’re not cool.

Mama would never allow