NYS Trooper Down

Links to said pics/article?

Sad to hear, RIP.

Just heard on the news he was responding to an emergency call…

The chief or whatever they call them said there was a call placed north of him and he was most likely responding as a secondary unit.

Always a sad thing to hear, RIP.

I wonder if he had his lights on, I see a lot of cops flying past people without the party lights on :Idiots

My guess is probably not, or he was going so fast the other driver didn’t even see/hear him. As of now, they aren’t charging the other driver. He is cooperating.

The pics are on the times union story…


Wow he must of been moving! I think NYS should pass a law to stop police from driving over 100mph.

he didnt have a chance in hell! wow thats terrible.

Sad thing to happen. Condolences go out to his family.

story on cap news 9 says his lights were not on and he was not DIRECTLY responding to a call. They were unclear yet as to whether he was responding as a backup unit.

EDIT: Just saw the pics :frowning: poor guy didn’t stand a chance. He must’ve been FLYING. That pole is imbedded so far in the drivers side, it looks to be in the passenger side of the car. I didn’t even see the pole at first it’s so bad.

Yes, he was a secondary responder to a scene.

And I agree that there should be a law passed which doesn’t allow cops to go over 100.

Many states have laws stating police can’t chase people on motorcycles. I know a guy who was in the wrong, ran from the cops on his bike, and then drove into a wall on a dead end street, died, and the police were sued and lost because they weren’t supposed to be chasing him. This was in Ohio.

This is by far the dumbest fucking thing I have ever heard.

Oh snap! Let them get away! They are going over 100mph!

Cry about it. I was agreeing with a previous poster. Is catching a guy going over 100 worth the $500 fine? Or is going 100mph or close to it to respond to a scene in which you are a SECONDARY responder (in this officers case) worth the life of said police officer? Hardly. I’m sure there were other officers closer to the scene.

Holy hell… that crash is awful.

I’m not crying, but lets just let felons run around and rape everyone/murder/steal rob.

Start living in the real world. Not a fairyland princess universe.


and im not a fan of the 100mph thing


Will you fucking MORON Americans STOP voting for MORE LAWS. Motherfuckers this is a free country. If the cops wanna do 200mph and crash and die, let them. FUCKING STOP IT WITH THE BULLSHIT LAWS.

P.S. - I vote for a law that makes it illegal to eat red meat. It’s obviously safer that way :Idiots


less laws = bettar (for the most part)

plus the 100mph law would never get passed, it wouldnt make NYS any money unless a cop pulled another cop over :ahh