NYSpeed community project?

I was thinking the other day that since we have so many professional people on here it would be cool to do some type of NYSpeed project. Either a car or gadget or something.

I mean, we have coders, artists, engineers, designers, software developers, etc.

would anyone be interested in something like this? Of course, I don’t know what would be worth doing, but with some brainstorming we should be able to find something cool to do.

any thoughts or interest?

i vote to stop you from making stupid posts.

Use navigation system that everyone has that plots out where the police are…

Obviously there isn’t a way to track the police, but could be a button you push everytime you see a cop takin pictures and load it to a database and others with the software could see where someone said there is an officer

Interest in any kind of project really. I’m currently working on full data logging for just about every system for my car. IE Brake temps, tire temps, tread wear, rpm… much more indepth than that but just the general idea


where’s my xbox?

lets build a park for jail bait :goptme:

lol probably at your house?

im ready man, anytime u are.

I actually thought of this before. If you get enough people using one, the system uploads the cops position to a central server and rebroadcasts it to everyone else who is using one.

Could be a money maker for sure, it it caught on.

I have a feeling that the police wouldn’t like it very much though

Tread wear?

as in tread amount on tires… I’m having a brain fart here … something doesnt seem right

i know what it is silly, what im trying to grasp is how you would monitor that from inside your car lol

average vehicle height? Granted, it would have to be sensitive to pickup mm’s and even if it worked, suspension would play too much of a variable in it

umm… I’m not going to be measuring it myself there are a bunch of ways I can monitor it, its probably gonna be last on the agenda since its not that critical

well i hope it works better than the low tire shit in my car, that has got to be the most useless shit

lol in the buick?

yeah, that’s an annoying system

ok and what about a park

its anywhere from 5k-25k for a park we could do events to get the money and put a park into somewhere that did not have one…

yes, its stupid i dont even reset it anymore lol im so used to the light being on

it could totally be done.

change in OD yields different mile per revolution, cross ref with GPS.

unless your suspension is totally shot and your wheels leave the pavement at every bump…

(i once saw a vehicle who’s wheel was so out of balance that it was leaving the ground every rotation… the ride had to be insanely bad)

IDK what the fuck newman is saying… but GPS seems a little ridic. It could just be a change in distances to the outside of the wheel to the inside of the tread. Kind of bite ya in the ass if you were using slicks though

or use strut extension to make take a distance reading from when the tire is in a neutral position. There are a ton of ways

i like this idea, dunno what the project could be though.

i do think it should be mac based.

i love it when you talk all technical to me.