sisterhood of the traveling pants suit… seriously? :lol:

I can find just as many sources that contradict yours Jay.

And now one from a news source:


Please sit down and let the grown ups do the talking.

I know they kind of have to do it for the party, but I don’t understand the grasping at straws to find any way to link McCain and Bush.

I mean, yeah… mudslinging in politics is the norm, but Bush isn’t even running and it’s still mentioned every 20 mins.

Of course, Bush is considered one of the worst Presidents ever, even many republicans don’t like him. If he can be connected to McCain that helps democrats.

Those sources don’t contradict anything. They too show that everyone got a tax cut.

Can’t you read the chart? The lowest 20% only got 1.5%. Well, it’s hard to cut taxes for people that already have almost zero tax liability because of their income bracket.

As for CPBB, you might as well quote as that left wing think tank funded by the nytimes.

You can say the same for my Heritage Foundation link though, so how about this:

It shows a breakdown of what various income levels owed based on the Bush Tax Cuts as compared to the tax laws under Clinton. Their data is based directly from the actual tax codes, so there isn’t any way to spin it.

Ok, I understand that Bush gave tax breaks to everyone, what I’m saying is that only the rich truly benefited.

Its not hard to give the bottom 20% a better tax break than 1.5%, for god sakes they’re the ones that need the help not the top 1%.

I don’t give a fuck how much taxes a millionare pays. If he’s still a millionare then life is good for him. But with the cost of living going up the middle class needs the breaks.

The bottom 20% nothing to almost nothing. It’s hard to give them a bigger cut than nothing.

Well, unless you’re talking about the stupidity the democrats came up with for the tax refund checks where they managed to send a $300 refund to people who didn’t pay income tax.

And yes, the rich got more from the tax cut, as it should be. They’re the ones who are already taxed at insanely high levels.

A decade later, despite tax cuts in the 1980s that many critics claimed benefited the rich, our top 1 percent of filers were paying more of the total–25 percent of the country’s tax bill—than anyone else. The portion of taxes paid by the top filers continue to grow throughout the 1990s and into the new century, pausing only for recessions, which are generally periods in which the share of taxes paid by the rich falls because their incomes tend to decline the most. By 2005, the most recent year data are available, our top 1 percent of filers were paying nearly 40 percent of the federal income tax bill, while those in the 2nd to 5th percentile paid another 20 percent. Every other group saw its share of the tax bill decline, sometimes substantially. Those taxpayers in the 26th to 50th percentile (that is, with an adjusted gross income roughly between $31,000 and $62,000) paid 11 percent of all federal income taxes, down from 20 percent back in 1980, while those in the 11th to 25th percentiles (earning between $62,000 and $104,000 today), paid 16 percent of the federal tax bill, down from 24 percent in 1980.

I’m sorry, regardless of your feeling that, “well they have more money, so we should be entitled to it”, I still feel that goes against everything this country was supposed to stand for.

Did they talk in a good way or bad way?

She looked worried that Hildog would say something stupid or selfish. Not really pissed looking, although that’s open to interpretation.

Jay, where’s the corresponding data that shows how much more money the rich made, relative to the poor?
Reaganomics made the rich richer and the poor poorer. Naturally, that made the rich pay more taxes. Clinton’s tax policy helped the little guy make more money as a percentage of society as a whole. Thus, they paid more tax.

So because Day Crew got an education and made something of themselves they should just take our money and give it to Night Crew who aspire one day to get a GED and that middle management position at McDonalds?

Hard to argue in favor of Night Crew getting anything other than permabans, but say Day Crew made 80% of the money on NYSpeed before, and paid 60% of the taxes. If you cut the rate we’re taxed at 10%, and night crew’s 1%, day crew might now be paying 65% of the taxes in dollars, since we can cash in a lot more capital gains and such at lower rates, but night crew actually has a bigger burden per dollar of income than they did before. Then they make threads bitching that gas went up .10 a gallon, since any drop in discretionary income actually impacts their lifestyles, where we just put $2 extra on our credit card and don’t pay attention.


Anything that hillary’s speech was lacking was more than made up for by Bill. He rocked the house last night. If it wasn’t for term limits he’d probably be running for #5 right now. :frowning:

We’re getting plenty of ammo for our convention from national events.

The Pelosi Democrats have been screaming for a release of oil from the STPR as a stupid way to try lowering the price for months. The Republicans have said no, because the price of oil wasn’t a supply issue, and more importantly, because the STPR is for EMERGENCIES. And oh, look what happens. A major hurricane heads for the gulf and we may need to tap into that very emergency supply:

The same Pelosi Democrats have been crying for another stimulus package of deficit spending (and what some would call vote buying), claiming the first one worked a little but didn’t do enough. This despite multiple economists saying it was still too early to tell and the Republicans agreeing with the economists. What do you know, look what we get for news today:

You guys really think change to having these people in power is going to make the economy better? You’ll get change all right, it will end up way worse.

^Susquahanna Trail Pro Rally?

With Gustav coming in on the anniversary of Katrina the Republicans should just pack up their tents and forget aboot their convention.
Who wants to watch a split screen of Republicans partying and people trying to save their personnal belongings in NO?.
Nothing good can come of this.

You call that ammo? Republicans are in trouble, you had 8 years to push the conservative agenda and you blew it. Since Bush took office you have had one fuck up after another. And please don’t ask me to list them, there is just too much.

^ We’re in trouble huh? In an election that should be a landslide Obama and McCain are tied in the polls. He hasn’t even got a bump from the 24/7 convention coverage.

Thats all you got is the polls? I said back in may that the polls mean nothing, they are too comercially motivated, and that was back when Obama had some great numbers.

I’m not going to play the conspiracy theorist here but here are some things to consider and its been said before about the polls:

  1. They don’t count people like me that have no land lines.
  2. Do you think it is in the interest of the media to have a landslide at this point? They want to have a hourse race its in there interest for ratings and it gives them somthing to talk about.

Many pundits both Liberal and Conservative have said that they didn’t expect it to be this close.