OMGOMGOMG! TF2! v. Now Playing!

Just played for a bit, and it really is awesome. Well worth the wait. Its still just as active and crazy without everyone spamming nades. Graphics look fantastic ingame. Everyone should check this out.

Just finally got to play it, fun game needs more maps. Though that one won’t take long from the looks of things.

Treads what is you steam name so I can add you to my friends list.

i have HL2 is this a free download???

getting it now for the 360

^ ^ ^ ^ :slight_smile:

I need your steam account info so i can play too. :frowning:

i’ve been playing tf2 for the last week… my carpal tunnel has returned…

No, not a free dl if you own HL2, you need to buy orange box.


holy shit… been a long time coming

I really want to jam on portal

ok, loading/installing the orange box onto the home pc now

f’ yeah… hope it’s all set when I get home tonite

going to buy orange box tomorrow…

i know a few more peeps are getting it/have it for 360 already…

we can do some nice mutiplayer :tup:

Any ideas if you 360 losers can join us online?

Negative ghostrider. The pattern is full.

I still have the ORIGINAL Orange Box for PC from back in the day (yes the box was orange) with the Original Halflife, Team Fortress, Counterstrike, and something else packaged together…

go get it for the 360, i played last night, very addicting

^^ so i take it it’s good??

prob gonna grab it on lunch.

rob was gonna wait till the end of the week… but i think i convinced him to grab it today.

TF multiplayer later :tup:

ok, so I’ve never played the first one (primarily got it because it was cheaper than buying episode 2 and portal separate)

from some of the reviews I read, it looks like a RTS-multiplayer type of game? How is it, for those that played it?

Team based multiplayer game, fast paced, coordinated teams tend to work best. Fun, simple, and addicting.

is there any kind of ranking system in this game?

any leagues? ANYTHING to make it worth playing or to add replay value?

i’d like any of the games if anyone wants to gift them to me through steam


if you want half life 2, let me know (or see FS forum)