Pakistan Crisis

Any one else following this??

Do you think it is a big issue that can turn into something major?

doubt it will be major

It is a big issue internationally. Should it concern the average American? Yes. Will it? Not a chance…

fixed :slight_smile:

Sry, I missed those very important adjectives. Thanks!

i agree, this could be bad news, especially when i happen to be about 50 miles from the border of Afghan, and Pakistan. Will the average american care, hell no, we have black friday and new ipods happening soon.

The only thing that is really bad about this is the fact that Pakistan has nuclear weapons, India has nuclear weapons and has halted all talks with Pakistan for the last 3 months due to the ever increasing tensions within that country. I see it becoming a real problem if the majority over throws musharuf (sp?) Otherwise it’s an affair we should not get involved with.

lol,what could the average American do even if they did concern themselves with Pakistan’s problems? I’m sure people acknowledge it,which is pretty much all we can do.


I don’t think the avg American would care, not really a big issue to me. What concerns me is if Muashif(sp?) is thrown off and some extremist or terriorst leader takes over… Then i can see it being a big issue. ( like Carnut has mentioned)

If Pakistan and India nuke each other does that mean I would be able to understand the 800 number people again?

Yes, I know that’s wrong.

LOL i thought Pakistan Crisis was a new screnname

Jobs back in the US!

I try not to not worry about things I can’t change.
It really is bad for my health.

Typical piece of shit American. You should be out in the streets protesting. Or better yet, on a racing forum calling your fellow American’s names because they don’t give a shit. God I hate this country that I continue to live in. :roll2:

How many keyboards do you go through in a typical month? Do you prefer them grilled or baked?

I, for one, am sick of the media and our government trying to keep us scared so that they can push through unconstitutional bullshit like the Patriot Act.

Maybe, just maybe, we should leave the world alone and worry about our own shit. Our whole war on terror is just one big self-fulfilling prophecy. We’re afraid that the middle east hates us and will attack us so we attack them and make them hate us. It’s a stupid cycle driven by our own fear and power and I’m sick of it.

I don’t care about the middle east. I will not care about the middle east. I am not scared. I will not be scared.

im actually more worried about the price at the pump then i am about pakistan. let them handle their own problems.

They hated us enough to attack us on 9/11 without us being at war with them. Knowing what we know now going into Iraq was a mistake, but would you say the same about Afghanastan? Burying your head and hoping they leave us alone WAS the old policy and all you need to do is go to your local library and look at the headlines from 9/12/01 to see how well that worked.

Sometimes you have to go on the offensive. You just have to be 100% sure the people you’re going after are the right ones.

Yeah but that wasn’t a country declaring war on us. That was a single group pulling a single prank that killed a lot of innocent people. Going into panic mode for years and waging war on anyone who could potentially hurt us has gotten us into a big fucking mess that we had better not repeat.


piece of shit cock sucking Americans… burn in hell faggots. If only the US could be more like Europe maaaaaaaannnnn