Plug and Play HID's


Most of them are made by the same company also and then rebadged under a bunch of different names.

Just makes me nevous, I dunno. I just remember the days of quality ballasts made by phillips for $700.00 a set.

Supply and demand broski. Supply and demand.

Back then, HID’s were expensive cause they were a new thing. It’s 2009, HID’s are old news. LED head lights are in the works from what I hear.

its has a 1 year warrenty and its $35 bucks. I mean one oem mercedes H7 is more tha 35 bucks.

DDM Tuning has lifetime warranty on their $70 kits.

And to be honest, even if the $35 dollar one lasts one year…just buy another one. That’s dirt cheap.

IMO paying extra for a lifetime warranty is retarded, it’d probably take a week if not more to send and receive new parts should they break, might as well pay for a set or two a year.

another vote for gearhead here. jay has a bunch of sets in stock usually anywhere from 3000k to 20,000k… cant go wrong with supporting a local shop in the process either…

plus i you have a problem with he’s got spare parts instock so if ur bulb or ballist goes he’s got it instock…

nothing to be nervous about, its 35 bucks, if they stop working oh well nothing harmed

I agree.

What I was getting at was if someone is looking at getting a good warranty, they should look at DDM instead of the 1yr most places offer.

I used DDM in the past and I like their kits and I want 55w. So I’ll be using them again. Even if the kits were $100 and lasted 18 months I’d still buy em.

bought mine for 65, have lasted 2 years so far

Going to go with Jay @ Gearhead if i decide to get these. I just want better light output, so 5000K is good with me. I also dont want to attract anymore unneeded attention.

5000k is perfect

Oem lights with projectors FTW.

You won’t be sorry with either 5000k or 6000k. I keep the 6000k in stock, but it’s usually only 3-4 days for a special request. Or a weekend if us stop by Friday before 5PM or so. But I do keep about 10-12 sets of HIDs in stock in 6000k as well as a relay kit for those who have crappy wiring or are extremely paranoid. Hope to see you soon!

BTW, Skanks says you should rock the 6000k and he wants to know what’s up with the VW.

i love my Halogens.

Well you don’t have projectors, sucks to be you.

and i dont care.

There’s a difference between Halogen and HID projectors.
