progress thread: 94gt5.0

Haha, yeah hes a beast!

Its not bad. I do 17 miles on the bike at the gym 5 days a week and another 14-20 miles on a bike path (length depends on which one I go on)once a week.

Put up 95 DB’s tonight! Im fuckin pumped/surprised lol

I saw you with some big ones when I was there but didnt see the size. Thats more than I can probably handle.

Yeah I finally maned up and did the big boy weights :lol

Does this post sound completely homosexual or is just me !!??:rofl

:lmao Hank hank hank…

Vid of me flat pressing the 100’s (or maybe higher) coming this winter…

I got the 95’s last June, but I’ve been on a recomp/slight cut since then and I’ve lost some strength.

Yeah for the hell of it I tried 90’s, did those 9X pretty easy, then went up to the 95’s. Next week the 100’s are goin up!

Huge jumps…whats your current body weight and waist measurement (not pants size, actually wrapping a tape around your belly)?

Last time I check current body weight was 216, waist idk, havent done it on forever. Idk why but lately Ive been getting past some of the plateaus, finally! E-muscles been helpin alot with training and shit

deatbeatdipshit gonna be gettin kramerbuttz hella ripped come summertime, you already know what it is


its the swaggerish


Wat :lol

“adam, what do u want, 20 reps?”


bangs out 20 reps with the 110lbers like it was a baby

Best, we need 120-150’s, kthxbai!

I didnt mean for it to sound that way.

:rofl Next week ur doin 30!! :ahh

i shall attempt