Richmond Hill Meet [Friday nights]

Ya I destroy osad’s karts, I like keeping him busy haha

Driftacular: sq1 is down the street from my house lol I’m not gonna bother goin all the way there since I’m meeting someone else later tonite.

Solarian: I know u and yur infiniti clown car won’t show haha I should talk a mod into changing your name to Capt. No-show besides u never call when u say you’re gonna haha

Hay man, I was watching FnF, don’t be hatin, I’m hurt…

Decent meet for the weather! Definitely some good laughs! LOL

Kenji your the Top Secret one! LOL:p

good meet tonight, pretty chilled, dinner was nice… thanks for spotting me Will! Will pay you back next time.

Or you may owe him your s13 :slight_smile: as repayment…

Sorry i didnt make it guys, we had a party of 25 kids come in ytd and they stayed for a while. Got off around 1130 but have work again this morning so i went straight home.

Your not forgiven… LOL

If anything else is going down this weekend post it up pplz :slight_smile:

Yeah wouldnt mind chilling tonight when everythings open. :lol:

if the plan is to go somewhere out to eat or do something ill bring the daily driver…if it’s just to chill at a tim’s or something ill bring the nissan lol

ahaha smart move, well im not too sure man, who would be up to chill tonight?


hey assholes. come to my meet i need ppl.

on a side note… good night :smiley: was fun! wish my s14 was there :frowning:

Listen here rattle can!

You guys come cruise to our meet…tell you what Ill even buy you guys coffee :slight_smile:

yeah ditto, im sure kengi and flyingchicken would be up for tonight

i cant drink the coffee u now that!!!



how bout u guys all cruise down for 20freakin mins. gosh. such jews not to use some gas:wtcslap:

Ok so Richmond Hizzzle it is!

Maybe it will be nicer out tonight :slight_smile:

mayb ill axe murder u

i might come. prob not though

Dude…Have your meet and cruise down y000
I even started my car up for so you could the HKS exhaust note…

I will go buy some matzo meal and bake you a cake!
Then you can eat something…Tim Hortons does have coke…

Just show up…or else your user name will be changed according to Will

You were the epic no show last night