Smoking Ban

you pay taxes on the UC also, but this has nothing to do with this thread but just to help shaggy’s ego some

I think that attitude is a pefect example of this country in general, and that is why the government continues to seize more and more freedoms.

In a way, it’s good to have “lesser” issues like this to help the public organize. That way we’ll be more prepared when they decide to ban all passenger cars with over 300hp, or forced induction on passenger cars, because of the unnecessary pollution they generate.

Anyone who fails to see the connection between this ban, and government interference with free enterprise, misses the point completely.

Abuse the privilege to be ignorant of the government that rules over you, and you will lose that privilege as well.

“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.”

not a bad idea!! open up a cigar bar which sells beer!

it probably would be a gold mine

We have the choice to leave this country any time we want. If you don’t like the rules then leave! When I was growing up I always hated my parents rules. But I lived under there roof and I had to accept the rules. My options to get away from there rules were to live with my grandparents. There rules were worse, so I lived with my parents and everything worked out.

get my drift? if you don’t like it, get the fuck out. No one loves everything the government does, but hell I would not want to live anywhere else!

No, the whiny anti-war bitches should leave. We must work to preserve our freedoms if we want to continue to be the greatest country in the world. That’s what makes the U.S. different, freedoms.

I don’t bitch about my parents rules because I understood that they were helping me even if it wasn’t as much fun as living with no rules.

Now to counter your retarded example…

The government is not my parent, however I do willingly submit to rules and laws that prevent me from strangling people I disagree with (whitey) or prevent me from driving drunk, dumping toxic waste down the drain, etc, but I don’t agree with every law. How many people on this forum would like to have their car undergo a true DOT inspection? Do you understand my point?

Just because some crook passes a law, doesn’t mean it’s right.

Hitler did great things for the economy in Germany, he did some other things I assume most of us know about. These are not direct parallels, but the point is that corrupt leaders can come to power or pass legislation even in a great country. The only thing that will keep it great is if we weed these faggots out and stand up for the ideals that made this country what it is.

that sounds good on paper, but we are pretty far off from where our founding fathers imagined we would be. How do we go back to the ideals that started this nation?

ehh somewhat I guess. Look at history, I am sure there was a time when you could drink in public now you can’t. Pot used to be legal…now it isnt…I am sure there is a million more examples in history

Agreed, but I think this ban gets us even further away, the less we do to stop it, the faster we’ll slide into over-regulation.

im glad you cant drink in public, keeps idiots off the streets cause theres enough of them without being drunk. i think they should crack down on some other things as well

There was a time when pot was legal, and booze was illegal. That ban didn’t last, hopefully this one won’t either.

Like OBD2 GM trucks that no longer meet OEM emissions specs?

glad thats different now, just want we really need stoners walking around legally. but this ban is a good one

only ppl bitching are the smokers, and to think smokers started smoking to be cool…ha that backfired

if youre referring to mine, i can easily pass a sniffer test with the aid of a laptop

I’m sure you could, it runs quite well, but would you pass the visual inspection as well?

I’m not here to argue, I want people to see that government regulation is generally bad for Americans even if it doesn’t affect you directly. Although this smoking ban won’t interfere with your lifestyle, road-side vehicle inspections may.

As car enthusiasts, I would think we would all be against unnecessary regulation of private behavior.

it’s all California’s fault :smiley:

I am turning more republican every day :frowning:


true no cats but you can still pass the sniffer without them all in tuning. but thats one rule that should be looked at its the not car smoke we need to worry about, things like diesel is worse or how about plants, or shitfactory across the bridge from me. but this smoking ban will allow more ppl to go places that they didnt before. biggest one that will benefit will be restruants

From your own example, you do realize rules against driving drunk, dumping toxic waste, and strangling Whitey, are all aimed at protecting the general public and for the most part in public places, just as a ban on smoking helps protect the general public in public places.

We have the freedom of speech, but not to yell “FIRE” in a crowded room. Sometimes limits on “freedom” are a good thing for all.

I completely agree that just because something is a law doesn’t mean it’s right, but then again 3 years of law school taught me to question damn near everything I see to a certain extent.

Retarded example? The rules you just stated were put in place to protect the people of the United States!!! Your parents made rules to protect you! I am not saying I never broke the rules, or that I complete agree that a government should try to have a hand in everything. But sometimes it makes sense. The government thinks they are protecting the public by banning smoking. Since second hand smoke has been related to various diseases, they are protecting the general public.

like i said, leave if you d

Why does every person who wants to change the goverment or try to make it better get told to leave the country? It was this patriotic feeling that something can be made better that started this country and now it’s unamerican to feel this way, that is BS.

Everyone has a thought on what would be best for the country and everyone has a right to voice this opinion.

why argue, they’re gonna reverse the bill sometime soon anyways so that you can smoke in the casino’s… this is gonna get really messy fast… or it will be totally swept under the rug by rendells cronies.