now that this has come into effect… here is my question… do you think that i can cause enough problems at work to get them to stop smoking in the work vehicles… i work for a AAA tow company and there is nothing that i hate more then getting into my truck on monday and there being cig ashes all over the place and smelling like an ashtray. think if i mention this new rule to managers at work that it has a good chance of happening and do i have any legality? thanks
i thought you were asigned your own truck :dunno:
im almost always in the same truck and i work about 60+ hours but that still leaves about 45 + hours a week that truck can be run by someone else… and lately i have weekends off… and hopefully in the future… and the prick that works the weekends smokes… and must die…
im anal about my truck… not so much about clean,becuase you cant help to drive thru a muddy parking lot or anything like that… but you can help fuckin my winch cable up… moving my tie down straps. fuckin getting cig ashes on my door panel. :finger2: :finger2: :finger2: :finger2: :finger2: :finger2: :finger2: /rant about asses. but still need to know about gettin bastards not to smoke… is that considered an office? i sure as hell do
start smoking,u would have a better chance.
BTW,I am done after this pack
think a big difference in that decision would be if the manager smokes or not
i think this is here to protect non smokers… if your not in the truck when hes smoking i dont think you really can protest it. its more than likely just gonna be your managers call… never know whats gonna happen till you ask
i bet if you say something regaurdless of the smoking ban if it makes you uncomfortable, im sure they will do something about it. tell them you’re allergic or something
/smokers…most of them are assholes when they drive. They do that shit and when they are driving the flick their butts out their windows and could care less if it hits the car behind them and at red lights they flick their ashes and sometimes butts close to and sometimes hitting your car.
i never let anyone smoke in my car, yet i have a cigarette burn in my passenger seat.
i was driving down route 8, with my windows down and sunroof open, only a couple months after buying my current car, when i noticed a filter smouldering in the seat next to me. i guess someone flicked it out of their window and it landed in my car.
I thought the smoking ban was not going to be in effect till end of April? :dunno:
for bars & restaurants. workplaces not associated with the food industry have it now.
don’t get me started on that… you do know who funded that injunction, right?
our good friends at r.j. reynolds.
Hasn’t smoking been banned in nearly every workplace since like '78? Next they are going to pass an amendment stating you can’t smoke on a plane leaving pittsburgh international…
Unless YOU own the truck, you are pretty much going to be S.O.L. As long as you are not in the truck at the same time, you have nothing to bitch about. The whole thing is about “second hand smoke”. not about stinky interiors. If the owner of the truck is OK with it, then yo will have to deal with it.