Story time.

I drink to avoid confrontation.

He sounds like a member on here…
I won’t name names though LOL

was the mom white trash too?, if so i bet she had 16 other kids running around somewhere also.

bad parenting at its finest right there

lol is he no homo?

She wasn’t nearly as overtly white trash as he was. Probably just poor.

im still trying to figure out why white folk try and act black, really makes no sense to me.

What is your justification for keeping your mouth shut?

really…i read several times in the story that it took all your will power to not say something…but why not?

the kid obviously wouldn’t attack you unless you had a vagina…


You don’t come off as someone that resorts to violence as a means of self expression or messenger of your beliefs :ohnoes:

haahha this is true.

i see it this way, if u have to hit a woman, ur a pussy and cant fight a man.

lol I’ve never been in a fight. Never hit anyone. Never been hit.

As for not saying anything, it really wasn’t that hard. Just taking poetic license. What good would saying something have done? The kid’s still going to be a douche bag and end up on welfare his whole life, and he probably would have wanted to fight me.

the good in saying something would have been the fact that the story would have been a lot more satisfying to read…now it’s just frustrating lol

i wouldn’t of said anything either, i keep things to myself

This is true. Maybe I should edit the story and add:

That’s it. I had reached my limit. I can deal with domestic violence. I can deal with being a slob in public. But to not know how many teeth are in your own mouth? Enough is enough. I got up, walked up behind him, tapped him on the shoulder. As he turned around I reached back, and BAM! Laid him right the fuck out. His mother looked at me bewildered. Finally she found her voice, but all she said was “Now look what you did! Do you know how much paperwork I had to sign to get medicaid to pay for his braces? You’re going to pay to fix that.” So I clocked her too.

Satisfied that I had done my part to make the world a little better place today, I sat back down and resumed reading about the latest goings on in the Hindu Kush mountains in Afghanistan.

Wow, it was satisfying just typing that. Maybe I should have told that kid all the reasons why he sucks.



To be fair, you share your ketchup with your pants.

haha, cmon im a nice person.

Finally on topic:

In those situations I sometimes find myself on the phone, discussing the subject in a surprisingly loud voice. If the subject isn’t completely oblivious to their surroundings they will hear and often rectify their previously rudimentary behavior. Only once has there been a confrontation because of my actions, and it was quickly dissolved using intelligence and eloquence. :slight_smile:

god your such a fag, did u fuck him?

See, I lack both. Hence I keep my mouth shut. :slight_smile:

I’m still trying to figure out why people believe that black or white is a lifestyle rather than poor or uneducated :slight_smile: (god i miss stirring the pot)

Finally i can unleash my rage on these got damn white kids… im soooooooooo mad at them i wish i could call them all honkey and be on my way but NOOOO i have to deal with all this mularkey even though they can call me nig nog and moon cricket and other random racial slurs and no one cares…god im sooo mad i cant stand these lil white devils…

Idk fry i think you dropped the ball on this one i believe the eye contact with the secretary was the go sign to drop the ban hammer on him…im just saying