Stupid o2j...... Waiting for the I told you so from MK30R.

HP is a disease I swear.

Took the car to work today and all was well until I gave it a little boot in 5th to get around atruck on the thruway.


I think I striped the teeth off Tdi 5th gear. 1-4 is still working fine but 5th is marbles. so I limped it to the parking garage in 4th Woot for 4Krpm higway cruises :banghead, and hopefully home tonight.

I hope that the metal stays out of the 1-4th side of the case, or gets picked up by the magnet. As long as I didnt sping the splines on the shaft I can put my stock 5th back in and flush the fluids and cross my fingers. I fucking hope nothing gets into the 1-4 side or the R&P and I come to a scretching hault on the ride home! I guess Ill be taking rt 5 home tonight.

So yeah, O2M>O2J, you said it, I told you I would admit it if/when it happened so Bretyou were right. sorta! :thumbup

hardy har har.

i guess the “been there, broke that” didnt mean anything at the time


NY- incomplete O2M swap

Ca- full o2m swap. i shipped mine from florida, it wasnt too bad

02M FTW. cant wait to break my shift fork when trying to shift at 8800!

That blows (literaly)

No it did, but at the time, and actually now I again dont have the cash to drop on a o2m. I just blow money faster than it comes in sometimes. lol I guess I have to tear it apart tongiht and see what let go and go from there.

I PMed that guy in NY to see if he wants to trade for a 1999 MXZ600! lol who knows.

im gonna go into my garage and say “thanks” to my O2M.

Wanna sell it?

:ahh I am just going to go punch my right foot in its face for causing this mess. lol

The car or the sled? lol

what the fuck is an O2m or an O2j???

O2J = VW 5speed transmission. J is the code for JUNK.
O2M = VW 6speed transmission. M is code for magnificant.

the O2M is a much stronger gear set, utilizes a large clutch as well, shifting is much improved, the release bearing is more stable as well. its a direct on hydraulic, vs a flimsy stamped steel relay arm with hydro assist

yeah ill sell you the O2M chris, would be great for your civic.:excited

O2J = VW 5 speed manual, (weak gear sets, high rpm shift issues, rivited stock dif/ring gears come apart)

O2M = VW 6 speed manual, (bigger stronger gears, shifts like butter at high rpm, same shitty rivets still there)

I fucked my ride home basicly. lol 4th gear ride home here I come.

sounds like its a helluva lot better!!!

Yep. i was in the middle of some work and took for ever to hit the post button, but yeah u sum’d it up.

The flimsy steel arm, I beefed up a bit, which helped a little with the feel and high rpm shifts. But it still isnt O2M sweetness thats for sure.

rivets or not, people rape the 02M stock diffs and they hold well. at over 400whp with over 120 SLICK passes a guy finally broke the diff.

its night and day. make sure the 1/2 slider is good and youre in business.

PICS coming.

Completely shreded 5th gear :banghead. no idea how. unless the fucking shafts spead apart a little bit under load or a tooth chiped and broke and took it all out… i have no idea. I cant be making that much torque that I would shred a gear like that? could I???

PS VW guys anyone have a 5th gear set laying around?

no. its usually 3rd or 4th the strips on the 02J’s anyway. did you check the meshing and the lash on the gear when you installed it?>

if youre spinning tires you wont break unless you get some serious wheelhop. gotta hook to strip the gear

oh fuckkk

I was going about 70mph in 5th, booted it, spooled and stripped. no way did I spin and hook. The mesh was great when I put it together. The only thiing I can think is the shafts under load spread apart just an enough to loosen up the mesh, but like you said that was only 3rd and 4th that suffered that sort of problem. not to mention I am nowhere near that power level.

Either I fucked up the install somehow, most likely i did, or the gear busted a tooth and blew apart. i dont know.