The "Oil Prices" thread.


stupid speculators

$4.00 per gallon, very soon.

So is the government stepping in to handle this crisis looming?

Stupid depreciating dollar. If the dollar were on par with the euro like it used to be oil would be $69/barrel.

About the only thing the government can do is fix the economy, which will fix the dollar. Unfortunately their “big plan” is 170 billion in deficit spending to send us all a refund check, so I don’t see this getting better anytime soon.

IB4 “just stop spending in Iraq” or some other shortsighted nonsense that will only end up costing us more in the future.

once we hit 10/gallon then they will help…

why not give us gas cards not refund checks …

just funnel the money right back to big oil

I was in Canada yesterday and had to buy a pack of cough drops.
Canadian is was $2.12
American is was $2.24

Our dollar is going down the crapper.

As for spending money on the war. Don’t you think the $12 BILLION a month they spend there would be better off helping our own damn ecomony?

And spring is here. Hurricane season should prove for a nice bump.


I agree, but isnt Hurricane season at the end of summer?

Sure, except that if we packed up and left tomorrow we’d be right back there in 5 years spending even more to clean up the mess. And the instability caused by the even increasing fighting during that 5 years would drive oil prices up even more. That’s why I said shortsighted. It would be a quick boost that would cost more in the long term, just like the stimulus package.

Hard to say. Last summer gas prices actually fell during the summer. Hopefully we get another slow hurricane season.

Hurricane season is whenever oil companies want it to be.

Haha, true.

and G W Bush!!

the government needs to step in and cap the gas price at 3$ a gallon, not a penny more.

Like I said before, “You aint seen nothin’ yet.”(Like my NYSPEED grammar?)

We look like assholes for being there, and we look like assholes if we weren’t there. Fixing over there isn’t doing shit for us over here.

Our economy is getting bleak over here. I’m worried about it, as well as everyone else. 5 more years over there then we can get involved with another country for 5-10 years. When does it end?

I’m glad Iraq will be a great tourist attraction in 5 years if we want to visit.

My opinions and viewpoints may not reflects others. But as you can possibly tell, I’m not for the war (anymore), but am for the soldiers.

And I don’t want to pay $4.00 a gallon to be able to drive my car when I was paying $2.xx a gallon just last year. Cost of living is increasing at a very rapid pace lately.

I’d be happy with $1.50 a gallon. It’s not hurting us car drivers…but it’s KILLING trucking companies who have to shell out $4.00 a gallon for diesel. They are paying $.80 a mile just in fuel. (figure your average semi is getting 6 mpg)

If the taxes were knocked off it, it would help a little.

Typically you are paying an additional $.60-1.00 in taxes on gas.


can we please just have one “Official: Price of Oil Monitoring Tread?”

please? there’s a new thread like this every week, it’s ridiculous…