The "Oil Prices" thread.

nice, thanks for the tip.

  • karma

Oil $115.15 -$0.85


Yeah, I’ve got the memo sitting here on my desk about that. All fuel dispense pre-auths are being changed to an amount determined by the average retail sale, anywhere between $1 to $500.

So basically it will now be up to each station to figure out how much they query your account for when you swipe your car. Previously most used $1, then anywhere from minutes to days later when the completion amount came in they would reverse that $1 hold, and place the charge for how ever much you actually spent. The $1 just basically proved it was a valid card linked to a valid account.

When fuel prices went up, many places changed that $1 to $50 or $75 due to fraud. They had too many people that figured out if they had $1 in their debit/atm account they could pump $100 of gas and get away with it. The down side is people were getting $75 holds on a $30 purchase, and the sale completion might not come in for 2 days.

Now on the new regs they are allowed to hold much more (up to $500), but the completion MUST come in within 2 hours. I’m not 100% on board with this plan, since most of the credit/debit card vendors have major issues getting the trace numbers to match up between the hold and completion, but we’ll see how it goes. Right now all the gas holds I place on our systems have a 3 day auto-release because I’ve seen way too many completions come in that we are unable to match to a hold because some key trace number was either missing or wrong.

If you pump more than $75 and the pump lets you, make sure to watch your account for any holds that get stuck on there while these new regs roll out. It would suck getting $10 in gas for your mower and end up with a $500 hold on your account for several days.

Good to know. +karma

That was on the 12th when j_espo was upset it was back up to 115. Since then oil spiked to what, around 118, and today it’s back down to 112 and falling.

I’m predicting close to 110 today. The dollar making big gains has to swing oil lower.

Oil $112.10 -$2.91 :slight_smile:

i paid 3.95 for gas this morning in springville makes me want to buy super for 4.14

Oil $111.70 -$3.32

:eek: :tup:


well to me its a deal $4.14 for the super cant go wrong right :gotme: and it will make the car go faster …ha




Oil $113.75 -$1.31

fucking cocksuckers, every day right at 3pm oil rallies. :mad:

Meh, down is down. It can’t continue holding in the 100’s with the dollar continuing to climb.

Closes at 112.87.

This thread was created on 3/10/08, and the first price mentioned was on 3/11/08 at $109. Who thinks we’ll see $109 before the end of the week?

Fuck all that noise about the hurricane because it’s not heading into the oil areas of the gulf:

Since oil went down I did my part as an American and got a SUV :tup:

115.28 +2.41 :frowning:

Oil $113.15 +$0.28

i almost pissed myself when i seen $3.90 yesterday :tup: