Thoughts on National Healthcare

You’re missing the point. It’s not just about horrible circumstances. What about “Citizen A” who rarely goes to the doctor because he has a gym membership, exercise bike, and eats healthy food that costs twice as much as McDonalds. His neighbor eats cheap shitty food, is 100lbs overweight, watches TV every night, never goes to the gym, has 3 bypass surgeries and is on $200/month worth of prescription drugs for his high blood pressure because he refuses to change his lifestyle.

How is it ok to make citizen A pay for citizen B’s medical coverage?

All socialized medicine would do is create longer waiting times at hospitals, introduce mountains of paperwork and 17 new bureaucracies. Ultimately, just as Canada is now, private medical facilities will start to emerge where people who pay cash can get immediate coverage for whatever they want.

The people on government healthcare will be waiting in lines, filling out paperwork and receiving inferior care.

Why do you think nobody sends large packages with the USPS anymore? They can’t compete and they’re actually subsidized.

Who cares what a person does with their own life, You actually believe
100% of your tax dollars go to help Americans ???

they can fund national health care and open up 20 gazzilion more hospitals/clinics for all i care. Every american needs health care no matter of life style.

They can practice medicine all they want, I can practice tractor trailers on motorcylces

Oh, ok just take out more loans on top of already outrageous student loans to stay healthy…just because “life isn’t always easy…” :stick:

Wow, thanks informing me. I didn’t know people couldn’t live without medical care. I guess the past centuries I read about in books are just a big fairytale…people can’t live without healthcare! Wyatt Earp was a mythical figure, so was George Washington, and Christopher Columbus. I’m glad I read this thread, now I know that those people couldn’t have possibly existed before the existence of health-care.

Your a fucking idiot, we have the means to do it. Hell they thought up till early 1900’s Cocaine and opium was a medicine. your trying to compare apples to oranges

like I said, if you want to make everyone equal and give away your money to help the “greater good” move to a cummunist country.

Yes, life isn’t easy, get used to it.

and no, not everyone “needs” healthcare. There are millions of people right now in america without healthcare, and yet they are still living.
It pisses me off that I have to pay over $500/month to insure my family but some douchebag who doesn’t have insurance gets drunk, falls down some steps, and I get stuck paying for his hospital bill(in a roundabout way :slight_smile: ). Fuck em.

Darkstar’s Plan to Fix Healthcare

  1. End all socialized medicine

  2. Tax health providers 100% on all profit over a certain percentage of their “sales” that aren’t reinvested in certain manners back into the field. This shold keep them from gouging prices, denying necessary medical procedures, advancing technology, etc. It would have to be CLOSELY monitored and be without fraud and corruption.

  3. Take this tax money and use it to pay for the people that absolutely cannot afford healthcare.

  4. All of the above will DRASTICALLY reduce the cost of healthcare and improve the standard of care, as well as the infrastructure of our medical system.

All of this is of course beside the point that when the baby boomers hit social security/medicare/medicaid age, if we keep going at the rate we’re going, we will barely be able to pay the interest on all of the money we borrowed from foreign countries to pay for the benefits. Oh, and since the Fed keeps printing money out of thin air, the value of our dollar keeps dropping like a rock.

Our country is seriously going to be fucked if we do not get the corrupt assholes that are in office OUT NOW, and get people in there that know what they are doing and really want to fix the country.

There is only one man currently in the race that fit’s that mold. :hs:

you’re kidding right? ‘college’ kids are a step away from living at home with mom and dad… when you are ‘full time’ medicare is handed to your parents and to the kid free until mid twenties. As far as seeking personal coverage companies jump at kids with the lowest rates possible. I’ve been through it and paid for my own coverage for a long time… so i assure you that ‘not affording it’ and truly not affording it is a matter of opinion and at that level of life, it is the easiest and cheapest way to get coverage.

also… reducing overhead income in the medical field will not drive up the standard of care… you have to be out of your mine that if you restrict someone’s earnings they are going to be anything than bitter or pissed…

tax the medical field to reduce advancements in technology… that thought alone asks me to question motives and logic… what is the point of reducing technology? also, how is taxing going to help people not price gouge? Take away their money and expect them not to seek more… ?

end socialized meds… tax the medical providers yet still give handouts to people that ‘can’t afford’…isn’t that the problem to begin with? Identifying the ‘can’t afford’ line in the economy and in households? and isn’t that deviating from the master plan being laid out?

Becoming a welfare state is the first step on the road of the destruction of a democracy.

creeping of the welfare society is what is the issue… qualified and quantified handouts are nothing to be concerned with… charity will always play a role in the economy… or the literal term of allowing states to run welfare has its’ ups and downs… think about it, listen to quinn in the morning and report back with some more second-hand thought.

I don’t think you can completely get rid of welfare and some government medical care. The obvious problem is weeding out those that really need it from the lazy assholes. How about actually investigating those who are receiving assistance. Not just filling out a form to see if you qualify. Treat it the same as insurance fraud. I want to see fines and/or criminal penalties. Pay people to do in-depth investigations. If someone is getting substantial income under the table, not actually disabled, etc., and receiving assistance, then automatic fine or imprisonment. If imprisonment doesn’t sound good, then they can do work for the government until their fine is paid off. They can be given a job if it’s too hard to find one.

It is not the government’s place to prop up those that make bad life decisions. People that are disabled are one thing, but those that cannot use a condom, are lazy, etc are of no concern to me. :bowdown:

I support those sentiments.


It seems as if too many equality groups have control. I know that their intentions are good, but everyone in life starts out with the same chances. Equality groups cheapen and diminish all that I have worked for my whole life, constantly improving and working up the ladder. Equality groups = Socialism

Personal responsibility plays a huge role in this. When I go to Giant Eagle, I don’t load up a shopping cart full of food and then ask the other patrons in line to pay for my groceries. I buy what I can afford. Medical treatment should be the same way.

I have taken advantage of some government programs in the past. They do have a time and a place and I am glad they were there to bail me out of a jam, but I did not stay on those programs for extended periods. One example is CHIP for my kids. At first it was free and as I made more money I had to pay. Fine, my kids had healthcare coverage and I did my very best to make sure that they didn’t need to go to the hospital or doctors for anything but routine care and extreme emergencies. A lady was there with 5 kids, all being seen for the 3rd time in a week. 15 claims in a week and clogging up the freakin’ doctors office for colds and sniffles.

BTW I recently read an article that says that companies are doing more to encourage healthy living to lower insurance premiums. One such example is that smokers are in a higher risk category and people that subscribe to a weight management program are eligible for a cash reward and lower health care costs.

I will agree with pretty much everything you said. But the

I buy what I can afford. Medical treatment should be the same way.

statement I can’t completly agree with. Sometimes you need stuff done that you cannot afford…and when it comes to getting a somehting important done I do not want to go with the cheapest option. It easy to buy cheaper things when shopping but with health related costs it is not as easy. If what you were referring to is not going to the doctors for every little problem then I agree 100%. When someone else is paying for things people have no concern what it cost and if it is needed.

I am with Jeff as well…you need to start treating this like ins fraud…and punish the people that abuse it.

The Russian health care system is very similar to the US and still finds ways to pay for people that can’t ‘afford it’.

They are already on their way out.

Oh, ok just take out more loans on top of already outrageous student loans to stay healthy…just because “life isn’t always easy…”

Sometimes, that’s a harsh reality.

reality/problem at hand

They are many things, but not communist.


What I mean is that I don’t go to Giant Eagle and load up 5 carts and then ask everyone that is checking out at the time to pitch in $20. I don’t go to the Cadillac dealer and roll out in a new CTS-V and expect the dealer to write it off AND let me keep the car.

I try not to go to the doctors unless I absolutely have to. I do not file frivolous claims against my home owners because the deer at the rododendrums or the wind blew the screen door off. I also try not to use my car insurance either. Since I started driving in 87 I’ve only had 2 claims against my insurance. One was a total that the payout was less than 10 grand and the other was about $1800. Not too bad for 21 years.

I like to try to save the insurance claims for the purpose that they were intended for: Serious problems that I cannot cover out of pocket.