
Fucking exactly, me and Singh will take ya’ll out to a real bar scene sometime and have fun and not talk about the forum/cars at all, some of you guys (no one in particular) take this shit WAY too seriously…

and then you’re comeback is “nah I don’t give a shit about the forum” please…get a life and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing/saying and when/where they are saying it, if you put all of that energy into making your own life better, you might realize that none of this really matters in the end

you had some good points in your later post, but as far as the Brett shit ya just aren’t completely informed

awesome thread? WTF is all this bullshit?

I even said what he did was wrong. He poked the bear a few times and the bear pokes back. Just so happens the bear hit on probably the 2 most sensitive subjects. Baby and baby momma. I said also it was wrong of him to be on vlads door and threatening him but really you knew how mad itd make him. Of course people are going to stand up for their friends. If we were out and at that new hang out lot with lance and that brungie queer approached lance id lay him the fuck out before he had time to know where it was coming from. We verbally lay ****** out on shift when assholea intrude and fuck with our friends.

shift … what else ?

everybody’s got sand in their vagina?

I’m going to say this right now, if any of you fuckers come to my door over some shit said on the internet, you’re getting shot by an old man with a pistol permit that really does not give a fuck

and before I hear any shit, it would’t be the first time he shot someone.

As we should.

ya I hear you and agree but what or where is the actual hard stuff of what vlad said to Brett at ? I mean where is the meat of this beef at ? I mean in what anus is the mayo here ? I mean where is the bite on the apple? what I mean is what is the p to the j and b ? where can we see the curtains raise here ?

what I mean is what’s the actual rock size ?

We’re getting drunk together before next season

He posted it. It wasnt a real detail list of things but it was enough to mention it and the mentioning of it set brett off. Im not sure why but it must be something if it went that far.


Keep an eye out in the events section…gonna set up something for mid-January.

yeah that’s what ya would think, me too, but with this kid it doesn’t have to be something , or nearly anything at all to set him off skyward

that’s what I’m trying to get at, vlad ain’t innocent in that matter , nah but let’s not let that overshadow the fact that the situation is bigger than it should be because some hot headed guy decides to take to the max lol

I hear him talking but I’ve yet to see a point.

I swear I’m under more fire for running this forum than Cain, and he at least got laid for his allegations all this is based on rumors and nonsense I constantly have to disprove like tdi logik saying I hassle members and that I’ve “talked shit” about Bretts family. Cain is a fucking millionaire and he said fuck it, but I pay for this. God im an idiot.

Irony behind murdog and tdi logic trying to get under my skin, is in return I ban them, and that really is most effective way to return the favor, and they are asking for it in the first place.

Here is the deal, I said it before and I’ll make another point.

Don’t break the rules, don’t disrespect people that provide the site to you and don’t offend other members.

Follow that and there will be no drama.

Disobey and it’s your own fault.

Tried calling you on each of your 37 numbers

dude my phone shit is off the fucking chain right now, 336 0599 text me whenever don’t call now obviously I’m going the fuck to bed

Yes, they certainly do byron.

I personally don’t see what the whole fucking problem is. It’s Vlads site, he pays for the shindig. If he says something doesn’t go, it doesn’t. If he wants it to become something else, it’s his call. If he wants to ban every last damn member and be the only one roaming the bandwidth, you get my point. Simple as that.

Shouldn’t be a fucking E-dick swinging contest. Plenty of enough “fun” to be had here besides childish jabs and creating bullshit threads like this. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

The one impossible thing is not offend other members. The combined maturity of this forum is maybe that of a 13 year old mad on call of duty online.