
Serious forum is serious.

Lmao, thank you for using me as the example. I’m honored. (srsly)

I’ll abide, brah. I told you I like the site, I wouldn’t have nearly 20,000 posts if I didn’t.

Cool story bros.

Here is Jennifer Aniston. I would marry her.


I don’t know about that, but I can think of other things I’d certainly do to her. Like ban her husband from shift518

I’d marry her, and eat her ass on the alter. No fucks given.


Vlad’s kindergarten teacher power trip is a consistent source of entertainment for me.

someone call me a derogatory name so that you can be banned

Lets come up with masked names like

***** will be spelled like *****

Homo will be Cupcake

Motherfucker will be Firetrucker

etc etc

Its simple. This is Vlads house, you come in and scratch his floors because your a fuckin slob, then he should kick your ass out. Some rooms have old floors and he wont care, some old friends are more easily forgiven, but shit isn’t always forgotten.

That said, we know Vlad is a commie before we enter his house.

Enter Vlads house, but dont think you own it… socialists.

Yes. ,


It’s funny that the people I respect most on the forum keep reminding me why that is.

One more gets it.


Owner of United Soviet Socialist Shift518

I agreed and posted suttin like that a while back . But Im still a asshole lol

Vlad’s house enters you!

Is it weird if I just fell in love with you? Lol

:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl Best posts in this whole thread

I hope you like me Coss, even if we get on eachother nerves on shift :hug

  • Fucking 1

While I may not agree with everything, this is vlads domain… figuratively and literally :rofl

Shft will be just fine if a few assholes dont ever come back and I agree this is Vlads house so dont scratch his fucking floors and check your egos at the door.

Why not just get carpets??

Who is gonna clean the ground in dog shit then ?