What happens when we drive the speed limit.

And yes, the left lane is for PASSING. But it’s for LEGAL PASSING. Aka, it’s for passing the people going less than the speed limit in the right lane.

I wish we had that Illinois law here in NY.

Awesome vid. I love the end where it shows how many cars are behind them lol.

We need more of this in NY.

I can’t stand people that block the passing lane but it’s not their responsibility if the person next to them is doing the exact same speed as them and both are doing the speed limit. Doesn’t mean I won’t do things to piss them off…


A bunch of people were supposed to get together and do this on the 90 from Buffalo to Albany when Clinton was talking about bringing 55 back to NY to save gas. It never happened though.

nobody is talking about it being legal to break the speed limit. It’s against the law (varies by jurisdiction, I believe Ohio is one of them) to keep left when not passing. It clearly states in many places in the US that the left lane is reserved for passing ONLY. If your not passing someone, you’re breaking the law. Just the same as speeding, just a whole lot less enforced


A statement like: “You can NOT block the left lane.” is just ironic. I found it funny. Well, the reality of the situation at least.

i would love to go to court for getting a ticket doing 55mph in the left hand lane.

edit: dr. stevil you have posted a million links, but you fail to realize that they all say if you are going SLOWER THAN THE SPEED LIMIT you cannot sit in the left lane.

see above

not all of them… like I said, it depends on the jurisdiction.

from that news article

State law says drivers can only use the left lane for passing. That is, unless a circumstance like bad weather, congestion or other road conditions make driving in the right lane unrealistic.


“If you can get over, and you don’t, you’re violating the law,” he said. “Most of the time, it’s pretty blatant.”

says nothing about going under the speed limit.

look at the state by state law link I posted. Some states are different and have different requirements to get ticketed for it. States that don’t have the law, really should IMO. It’s unsafe, causes road rage and can quickly escalate to something worse than just letting speeders pass. Let the cops pick the speeders up -> profit?

I don’t see how it would ever be legal to maintain a speed over the speed limit. EVEN in the left lane.

lol I’m sure the law makers did it on purpose. They contradict each other like crazy

Actually, good point…


You may not block the left lane.
(Fixed for poor grammar on my part):stuck_out_tongue:

Left lane is the passing lane, A cop will tell you “that’s MY lane”.
Either way, I get so pissed when people are slow as shit and don’t know how to move over.
Its mostly canadians, but everyone here knows how that is.

You sir are correct, at least in this state. You are not to be driving in the left lane unless to pass, even if you are doing the speed limit, or above it.

One can argue that they were passing the other cars. Say they were going 49.999 mph and you were doing 50 mph…the pass would only take you a matter or hours…

Jon: me and your brother used to do that on the 90 all the time back in highschool… it was fun.