Who knows the truth about my Audi?

i like this guy.

i was guan go scrap it but its missing wheels and a steering wheel so its going to have to be flattbedded or something or pushed in the water as well lol’

also i think someone beat me to the converter =[ half the exhaust is hanging so im guessing the cats gone

I was so lazy last night i made my kids waffles for dinner. First thing my 9 yr old says is where the bacon.

kids got a good head on his shoulders

in b4 the lock
This thing wont make it to page 20

I can’t believe one of you retards called the DEC…

I hope Dawn thanks you because the title is in her name…]

I hope all the people who off road there also thank you since im sure they won’t be able to there for the next year…

I have to say, truth. No need to draw attention to the place, no matter how much this kid deserves to get nailed.

was there a registration sticker on this car?

would someone please go trailer dawns car out of there already ?

wtf, why is it still there ?

i wish i still had my fucking jeep. i’d do it just to end this stupid shit.

and cause dawn’s always been pretty cool and doesn’t deserve to get fucked by this.

its missing some wheels if someone put wheels and a steering wheel back on it ill get rid of it

its over and done with. caput.:wiggle:[/QUOTE]

HRK … doesnt that mean its not there anymore?

I’ve got this bridge in Brooklyn for sale…

wow. this thread sucks. and people are stupid

you should use your truck or some other expensive towing vehicle u have and get rid of it for her

I saw it while driving down route 5 today. That thing is trashed, missing all of it’s doors, all wheels, and dented to hell.

i didnt realize how many people from here travel on rt5



this will not end well for anyone.

this thread killed 90% of two work days. :gtfo: