worst night of my life

well i jsut want to start off by saying that all riders please becareful while riding your motorcycles. Last night (9/11) i was driving/riding back to rochester on the i-90 right by lancaster speed way around 5pm or so… right during all the bills traffic… well i got to the area on teh 90 where you can see the speedway… and i guess someone in traffic wanted to look over at the races and braked or slowed down which caused a chain reaction … when the braking got to me the person infront of me spiked the brakes and so did i which locked up my front wheel and i went over the handle bars at 70… to say the least i am pretty lucky because i went over offcenter which caused me to slide 200feet into the shoulder and grass median instead of into the car infront of me… my bike also slid the same way and missed the car. worst experience of my life, esp knowing there was pretty much no way i could have avoided this situation. so i went over the bars… landed on my side and shoulder which had to be stitched up… didnt break anything or any serious injury… lots of rash all over from rolling and the bike is rashed up but mostly cosmetic damage. i also want to say that my leather jacket, gloves and helmet saved alot of pain and injury. so i went to the trama center at ecmc at around 6pm last night and didnt get out until 4am today… well taht is the end of my story. riders, please be safe and try to gear up.

yea that sucks, I’ve locked up my brakes countless times, thats why I’m always quick to jam the rears first, locking up the rear is easier to control. Glad your ok and I hope you keep right on going!

:tup: to having your helmet, jacket and gloves on… I’m scared everytime I see people with shorts and t-shirts on. glad you were wearin’ everything and you’re okay.

:c )

glad your still with us :tup:

Glad you made it through without serious injury.

damn man thats outrageous, but im glad you had your leathers

just another reason to say :tdown: to lancaster speedway!!


Sounds like you were lucky, but it also sounds like you were following to close to react.


Glad you are still around tho

:tup: to wearing safety gear… I always want to give those morons that wear a tshirt, shorts and sneakers a little nudge on the road…

I figure its just natural selection thats all…

Can’t wait to get a bike in the spring… but you can bet I’ll always be wearing the appropriate gear…

glad to hear you are alright and you were wearing all the right gear :tup:

thanks for the support guys! wasnt really the reaction time… i had a good 25 feet between the car and myself. and i have taken the msf course… it was more or less wrong place at the wrong time. going from 70mph to 30 in an instant would require a huge stopping distance for a bike in traffic.

25 feet at 70mph is not nearly enough room… you proved his point.

Regardless, glad you are alive and well.

Again I will post what is written in the NYS drivers manual.

A “good” distance is 2 seconds (measured from a fixed object). You said you were going 70 MPH which is impossible because this is New Yrok State and the highest speed limit is 65 MPH. Speeds greater than 65 MPH do not apply to the 2 second formula because braking distances go up exponetially, in the same repsect the 2 second rule is really conservative at slower speeds.

Anyways 2 seconds at 65 MPH is ~190 feet.


glad ur ok man

screw the 2 second rule … i prefer 4 seconds in normal driving

if i have to move over because of another driver or to get off the highway or whatever, then i work w/ whatever i have

but 4 seconds let yo glance at the radio or your gauges and still know that if someone spikes their brakes just as you look away, your still covered

sorry to say, nothing against you or anything … but … :violin: for anyone that follows to close

at the same time, glad to see your allright … id take stitches and road rash over rear bumper / face full of glas any day

spiking the brakes has become a way of driving for most morons in WNY over the last year or so. Its unfortunate :frowning:

tahnks for the support guys… i guess i was fallowing alittle to close but its hard when everyones being an asshole in traffic and trying to push their way in and all taht. guess someone likes me up there tho becuase i dont think it could have went better for me going down… nothing broken … and nothing that wont heal in a week or two… and the bike is alittle broke but still runs and nothing serious… mostly cosmetic besides the right handle bar being alittle more bent then the left. tahnks again guys… and everyone plese wear ur gear… i never thought it would save me like it did…

wow john sorry to hear, that sucks sooo bad!

but on a lighter side, you should be thankful because you had a lot of luck with you, thats great you dont have any major injuries and you are ok. i hope you have a speedy recovery too

Sounds like you ignored everything you learned in the MSF course. You can stop a bike in that amount of space safely.

Yes, you were too close, yes you weren’t scanning, yes you completely forgot to have an out (probably because you were not scanning). The fact that you ganked the front brake and flipped yourself is kind of dissapointing. You have to be constantly thinking when you ride. What good is the MSF course if you don’t use anything that you were taught?

If you ever decide to get on a bike again, I would suggest practicing some of the techniques that you were taught at the MSF course, especially the braking exercises. I know for a fact one of the drills in that course was getting a bike to similar speed and stopping in a much shorter distance than what you described. That 300 bucks is not just some easy way to get your licence. You are supposed to leave with tools to aid you in being a proficient rider.

wow that sucks… good thing you always wear your leathers… so are you still scared of everyone else when your on your bike?