another "bikers be careful" thread

My brother is in ECMC recovering from a bike accident he had early Sunday morning. he is very lucky to be alive. He hit a mailbox than a telephone pole at around 4am. He was taken by mercy flight from springville to ecmc. i got a call about 20 min after it happened and i almost beat the helicopter to the hospital. he ended up with very minimal injuries considering the accident. ( his bike is broken in two pcs and pcs of fairing are spread out pretty far) he had surgery to fix a broken arm, a bunch of stitches, and road rash pretty bad. He was knocked unconsious during the accident and doesnt remember anything. What caused the accident is not known.

I apoligize to anyone at the BBQ who i didnt talk to much or if i didnt act very outgoing or friendly to those i didnt know as i had alot on my mind as well as a lack of sleep.( i sat in the waiting room from 5 am till 10 am, grabbed a shower, and headed to the BBQ pre-meet)

was this frank?


glad to hear that your bro’s doing okay :slight_smile:

Had he been drinking or was he just too tired? Glad he’s relatively OK.

Glad to hear is going to be ok.
What road did this happen on?
I have taken Mercy Flight from Springville.:D(I don’t remember anything either)

sorry man i didnt know i would of offered u a beer or 2 very shitty. good luck to ur brother

no this isnt frank… frank had NO serious injuries…

sorry to hear about ur brother… glad he was ok… do i know him? what does he ride?

thanks everyone. you prolly dont know him he doesnt ride very often (this season especially) he HAD an early 90’s ninja 600

Do you know what road he was on when this happened?

not sure of the name. i know it was a side street off of main in the village

Damn man… hope he gets better fast.