WTF: maybe it'll be on the news

Got out of Club Diablo at about 3/3:30ish, and my friend’s window was broken and her purse was stolen…so we had to go to the Main and Tupper Police Station (B District, for those that care) to report it because no cops were available to come to her car.

the juicy part:
There was some lunatic letting off shots, supposedly at random and there were about 20 cars trying to blockade a few blocks of the city…and the station was in the middle of it all! I personally didn’t hear any of the shots, but when we were leaving the station, there was a hooker pretty much running in, crying, saying she was mad. I’m gonna guess one of her ho friends got shot in the whole thing.

downtown buffalo is loaded with scumbags.

*note: not everyone in DTB is scum, but there is a whole lot of it there.

that sucks.

my buddy’s gf got his in the jaw with a beer bottle last week, broke her jaw in 2 places and now its wired shut. ugh

i now pronounce you “Mrs. Kayne West”

everybody order pancakes i just sip this sizzurp.

^ and you wanted people to act like cruck fuckers in this area! There weren’t any boom boxes downtown last night!

what time did you get at club diablo last night? I left around 11:15 or so after my friends band finished… had to make sure we got back in time to get beer at the corner store =p


that’s just about the same time I was getting there. you should have stayed for Arm Cannon. they were funny…they covered the original theme to Power Rangers…and had the video playing on the big screen.

Yeah, we were gonna stay for one or two of their songs but we had to rush back to hit up the store to get a ton of beer for the after party… they looked pretty good though.

your first problem is going to club diablo

I like it, how is it a problem? Do tell?

my roomates brother is in arm cannon, they cover alot of the older nintendo songs also. Sounds weird, but we went to go see them the one night at Broadway Joes and they were actually pretty good.

also BTW, one of my best friends lives in the apartments right next to Diablo. I’m pretty sure they are called hollingwood place apartments?

Diablo itself, IMO, is a really good bar…it’s just in the suckiest location ever.

I wish it was a little bigger… its so small in there

me too! but it’s by far the cleanest “metalhead friendly” bar in the area. If there was something the size of showplace with the attitude and cleanliness* of Diablo, that would be the perfect place…as long as it’s not downtown.

*I’ve only been in the bathroom there once…and it didn’t smell like somebody died in there, so Diablo wins this, even if it’s not to home bathroom standards. lol

plus the bartender is freaking hot =P

Angry metal-heads + alcohol + worst location ever = asking for trouble with a nice car or visible valuables

FYI: the metalheads ain’t the ones breaking into cars. it’s the cracked out missing links that live downtown.

he’s alright, I guess. haha

seriously, the chick bartender is awesome.
Boyshorts + the shirt with my fireborn logo = makes me drool

ive never been to Diablo. my birthday is tuesday…someone take me!