I am so overcome with emotion right now I can’t even think straight. I have been a volunteer firefighter for just over 7 years with the Akron Fire Company. I went into Fire Council tonight becuase they said I have not been making enough calls. Long story short, they said I was “dead weight” and kicked me out. The first 5 YEARS I was in the fire company I only missed a handfull of work details and events. I dedicated every second of free time to that place. It came to be my second home. Recently I have been working alot and could not make many work details or drills because of my conflicting work schedual. I have made 30 calls since January this year…our quota for the year is at least 50 to be a member in good standing. I’m so incredably dumbfounded that they would treat me like that after the countless thousands of hours I have dedicated to them, not to mention a house fire is the reason I ended up with a reconstructed shoulder. This is such an incredble personal blow for me I can’t even come up with the words to explain how incredably hurt I am by this. I know im gonna get flammed on hardcore here but I just need some advice to help me get over this before I do something stupid like drink myself dead.

At least you dont have herpes

attn: nyspeed psychologists…

I’m pretty sure after that long They have to give you a warning or something.

Ok what would you do if you were very dedicated to something and incredably proud of your achievements in said organization and one of their top members, then due to not being able to be as active as you previously were due to a chaotic work schedule, they basicly tell you you’re a worthless piece of shit and gtfo? 7 years is a long time to dedicate to an organization to have them give you the boot in such a mannor.

its volunteer…move to a new town and join another one…try main-transit fire hall those d-bags dont do anything but sit around and drink all day and work on their siqqqqqq racecar…

Any chance for appeal? I can’t believe they would just kick you out without any previous warnings. That sucks.

I knew I was on thin ice with my lack of participation but it could not be helped. I work weekends, which is when they have their events. I had been told I need to make more effort and I did, but it was not good enough for them. I’m not going to quit my job so I can be married to a volunteer company…its just bullshit. Its like having your parents just kick you out of your house one day becuase you didn’t do your chores a few times because you were at work. I had been called into fire council before becuase of lack of participation, but that was while I was still recovering from my shoulder reconstruction and I wasnt allowed to do anything. GOD DAMNIT I would kill for a bottle of everclear right now.

yeah man, its only a volunteer position. its not like a career, im sure most of them have been doing it for much longer than you have and they had good reason to get rid of you. maybe new, younger people were moving up and why would they waste money/time/effort on someone who doesnt look promising anymore?

How could a volunteer be dead weight, you would think they would want as many as possible

maybe your annoying as hell…

in all honesty, your better off…firehalls are soooooooooooooooooooo fucking ghey! they expect every member to live at the firehall and respond to every call…i know SO many people who lost their wives/families because of their “commitment” to the firehall…and by commitment i mean drinking their fucking faces off after a “drill” or going up to “inspect equipment” its another excuse to get drunk with your friends but it makes it OK because you “save peoples lives”…you wanna volunteer and make a difference? go volunteer down in the ghetto and be a “big brotha” or w/e it is they call it now…

I have a folder full of certificates from classes I have taken. I have a framed certificate from NYS on my achievements. I think one of the biggest reasons were personal. Half the people on the council did not like me. They were assholes and I did not take their shit. Unless you have been a dedicated volunteer firefighter you really cant understand the amount of time and emotion that goes into it.

maybe its because I dont blow coke with them. who knows.

Sounds to me like they’re making a GOOD decision FOR YOU. You WORK (make money) too much to spend time doing something VOLUNTARY (no money). Volunteering is a very noble thing to do, but it sounds to me like you’re being given a chance to find more to do with your life. How about spending some of that time with your family? Not saying you don’t already spend time with them, but sometimes you just need to have 2 lives, work and home, not work, home, the firehall, etc., etc., etc.

Well shit now you have more time to smoke pot and fish


while being at work!

Wow. Thread peaked early. Nothing can possibly top response #1.



Anyhow, Jeg hang in there. You’re a good guy. Some people coughvolunteerfirechiefscough are passive aggressive bags who aren’t worth your emotions.

It’s been my experience that volunteer fire halls are places for unimportant people to get together and feel important. :mamoru:

Eh…its just the fact that I will be 24 this friday and I have spent the past 7 years of my life working my ass off there. Thats almost 1/3 of my life dedicated to something that I could say I am part of, and be very proud to say it, only to have them turn around and stab me in the back.