0135 code wont go away

ok, i’ve had this code since last summer. its bank one sensor one. which means its the o2 sensor on the driver side by the manifold/ypipe conncection. i replaced the sensor, cleared the code with the scanner, and after a day or two it comes back. wont go away. anyone have any ideas? no other codes. thanks.

btw, its a 98 zr2 blazer

New Sensor is bad. I had a few universal Bosch ones that I replaced on my passat that didn’t work. If it comes back after a day or so it never really worked. After you clear the code, you generally get a few trips before the light goes on a gain.


P0135 is a O2 heater circut malfuntion. Have you checked to make sure the wiring going to the sensor for the heater circut is functioning properly?
Haver you tried domestic scanning options as opposed to OBDII to see if theres a more specific manufact. code

is there power at the sensor? had a mouse in the house in a monte carlo 3.8 that ate half an engine harness, and the customer put 4 sets of 02 sensors in it…

Damn it Zac the code is an O2 code that means it needs a sensor, why would he go and look further.
Its kinda like on OBDI when it said lean that meant it was always the sensor LOL

Also never use universal o2 don’t cheap out

P0440 faulty gas cap codes rum a muck around Awfulzone stores.

what do you mean by a domestic scanning option? im just using my neighbors scanner that you plug in, it spits out the code, i look in the book to see what it is. let it run through 3 times and it clears everything out…works great to clear things i had a 97 s10 that had a too rich code and it would come on after 80 miles, so i cleared it out got it inspected passed fine came baack on later that day i didnt care it was a beater. i just dont like seeing the check engine light on. anyways its a bosch plug in one i dont have to do any wire splicing just plugs in where the old one did. what else do i check? i only know the engines i dont know the electrical bs thats why i rewired my 95 to old gm style when i did the swap haha.

Most scanners will have 2 ways to scan. OBDII generic/ non generic. The non generic will usually have more info