03 Evo 8 tune results

ur correct and to this day I still need to learn more. For the time I put into it I do a decent job. Its not the best but for what I charge and what u get there is no reason why anyone could complain. I do alot of these on my own personal time and what alot of people dont understand I dont need to do this. This is a hobby I enjoy in so many ways it relaxes me. This past year I could hvae had my car on the road but I choose to spend my extra time getting the blazer to where its at. I drove the blazer down the track a few times but it was more exciting watching it go down the track and seeing what it ran. That made me feel alot better then driving it. I also enjoy talking to people and telling them what setup to run. Everyone has there own hobbies and this is a hobby I can do and plus get paid to do it. My job at ups is my life and my car work is just a hobby.

well I dont like turtles:stick:

unless ur quik:bigok: