i’m in the process of getting a new bike, so i have my 450 up for sale. i really dont want to sell it, but i want something alittle smaller, so i’m getting a 250f instead. the bike is in very good shape, not alot of time on it. i am very particular about my bikes (as ppl on here that have seen it can attest). the oil gets changed every other ride and the oil filter every other oil change. the air filter gets changed every ride and comes with a couple extra filters. its basically stock. comes with Excel rims, Renthal Fatbars stock. the sporockets and chain was replaced once and are still in decent shape, the tires are Pirelli MTs and have about 3 rides on them, still in nice shape. the plastics are in very good shape and have the Cernics 07 TP kit, since i was getting help from Cernics last year. i’ll likely remove the backgrounds before sale, sicne they are customized to me. asking $4100 obo

i’m probly gonna end up throwing in my ASV clutch lever too, because my new bike will have the hot start on the other side and my ASV has the hot start integrated, so it isnt worth the hassle to try and make it work, so ill probly just include that with this 450.
just brought my rmz250 home, so im gonna be lookin to move this.
i have first hand experiance with this bike. you won’t be disappointed.
u interested in a super moto 05 rmz 450 street legal
that would be awesome, but with these 2 mx bikes and the r6, i need to free up some space/money.
well im interested in ur 450 so i was thinking trade plus and cash let me know
cant do trades, but if u wanna check it out, let me know.
bad ass, would look awesome with some black,gold,blue excels…
thanks. the rims on it are Excels, they just arent colored. lol. but i did add the rim graphics which is kinda startin to get popular within the last year.
ya you could call it that. lol
i added this bike to craigslist by the way and ASV lever is not included
whats the lowest you will go
still available. im lookin to move this, so if anyone is interested let me know.
one last time on here. if interested pm me for questions, price neg, etc.