07.03.06 - 4th of July BASH. read this. NOW.

:word: For the win.

Man I’m really starting to hate working nights. I’m hoping I can get out early now. :slight_smile:



sweet!! wait… does the suprise involve you waiting at the end

im in, just gotta find a ride …

at midnight i gott have a drink, as im finaly legal to drink (for the 7th time)

:rolljerk: :rolljerk: :rolljerk: :rolljerk: :rolljerk: :rolljerk: :rolljerk: :rolljerk: :rolljerk:

for you mike…that may just be the surprise :gay3:

this is gonna be fun :wink:

Yeah should be a good time for sure :slight_smile: Just FYI my parents will be having their Polish mafia over at the house for their own party, so plz dont act like tards. :slight_smile:

Uhh when do you want me to drop off the donkey…for the strippers?

tards will be thrown out of the party…

but not before we shoot roman candles at you

i shall prolly be stopping by…sounds like its going to be a good time… werd

Me and letitrip just dropped off some more firewood:tup:

damn that pond was looking good to me :slight_smile:


i’ll race sherm down the slip n slide!!!



good luck trying to keep him away from the pond with that thing

you so know it’s going to show up

I hope so, it will be funny

If Locutus is there so am I, this should be pretty cool

uh oh… if dan goes… then umm… well i am going either way. I guess dan going is just a bonus

if the jetski winds up in the pond, we soooooooooooooooo need an innertube to tow behind it !