07.03.06 - 4th of July BASH. read this. NOW.

Thanks for having us mike. I’m a little banged up and bruised, but my eyes hurt the most. I’m not sure what’s making my eyes burn right now… if it’s the soap or all that taint?

:tup: to all the people who had the balls to slip-n-slide naked (and sober)

For those that didn’t show, here’s you you guys missed.
slip-n-slide video:

Good times…I think its time to burn the slipnslide now :lol:

GODAMNIT!!! I missed another party wtf. I had to work the beer tent at the fire hall till 2am. I got to drink fro free so yeah…by then i was piss drunk and tired as hell. Sometime I will make it to one of these parties.

even with all the man junk, there was so much soap on it that i think it will be all right after a good bleaching


i think i have a broken rib and ankle lol.

9 dudes getting ass naked was uber gay going down the slip & Slide then running into his pond… crazy ass fireworks…crazy everything!




holy fuck. i ended up puking jeff and his gf had to drive my car home. i dont remember much. and my heads killing me. so awsome party


thanks everyone for coming out. it was a great time for sure. my lower body is destroyed. lol.

ill add more later, now its time to clean up after hurricane katrina passed through my yard last night :lol:

also, tom, jess, ANYONE. if you guys have pics. mike.palka@gmail.com Send em over please! Especially the naked streakin slip n sliders. Most funniest pics ever. My mom was crying she was laughing so hard. You guys rock. Ok time to clean be back lata.

that party was AMAZING…

so far i have not blown anything up in my hand this year…but i did burn myself. LOL

thanks again mike… soooooo much fun. gotta do it again.

LOL… ur parents rock bro HAHAHAHA so niceeeeee

looks like you boys had a good time i wanna see some pix

yea it sucked i had to work til midnight. but it still was a pretty good party with whom ever was still there

good times fo’ sho’… i need to see some pics :slight_smile:

ok… pics or ban seriously. get them up

ok so if any of the cleaning crew finds my id ill give u 10 bucks

Thanks again Mike! Thank your parents for us too…coolest parents ever.

Anyway, I feel pretty bad about the mess we left. There was shit EVERYWHERE.


You owe us big time buddy. lol

You were passed the fuck out, and were getting bitchy with me cuz I told you to get your ass in the car. It tooks us like a half hour to go 5 miles.

At least I got to sleep after I got home from Jeff’s at 10. Jeff might be in the mood to kill you when he gets outta work. :lol:

iamjeff jeff? i sorta remember talking to him last night, lol.

lol yea

i appreciate it erica tell jeff iam sorry

I think im still drunk … i threw up about an hour ago … and my head is fucking pounding

great times though … Thanx Mike