07 blk/red CBR 600rr *pics* last update post 81/83, dirty bike

New riders should’nt be riding in packs, fuckass. You obviously have no idea about how to communicate in a group, and how, as Coldaccord stated, a new rider can take down the integrity, or flow if you will, of the group.

He wasn’t bashing you, nor am I. You’re just getting the same constructive criticism that I got when I was starting out.

Take the msf course. practice the things they teach you for a long time. months. learn signals people use when riding together. for example patting on the top of your helmet means there’s a cop ahead. pointing to the ground with your left or right foot means there’s shit on the ground (gravel, whatever). if you’re riding in a group and the group turns, it’s your responsibility to make sure you wait at the corner until the person behind you can see. make sure you never ride above your head, there’s no problem in going slow

stuff like that. and new riders are a lot more likely to make mistakes, more susceptible to target fixation, etc. don’t want what could be 1 rider down to end up in like 5 riders down.

And pointing to your dick means you hafta piss.

edit: A new thread should be started about riding signals IMO.

that’s a good idea. sticky-worthy even

Do it up

I’m nervous that a noob might fixate on something and go down, and then another rider might fixate on him and go down, and I may go down trying to avoid it…

One simple off road excursion can lead to an entire groups mayhem…

New people might not realize it, but you go where you look and typically you look at a crash site. Its not like a car where you can turn the wheel harder and turn quicker… target fixation is far more noticeable on a bike.

I agree with andre and ryan, I get nervous with people I dont know, hell, sometime I get nervous for/with people I do ride with on a regular basis. Nobody wants to pull somebody out of a bush/guardrail/car bumper, etc etc…

It has nothing to do with making me look bad

It does have to do with me getting in trouble for somebody being an asshat at an innappropriate time

It has even more to do with me worrying about trying to perform CPR because somebody was riding over their head… (I’ve been THAT guy before)

Ive taken the MSF course, its not my first week out. I understand the risks, I know the signs, I just haven’t been riding for years like you guys to know all these things.

I’d be nervous riding with a group, I have to think too much about blinkers and crap like to to enjoy riding with others. I did take the MFS class which I thought was great. I just plan on puttin around and get use to the bike by myself

good article posted here on that:

Let me know if you have to login to view.


This is why I only ride with like three specific people all summer. You get these big groups together and walla, people act stupid. Fuck that

Bike looks great BTW!

don’t need to login to view. i believe the pace is up on wnysr as well

keep in mind that a new rider on a 600 is just as dangerous as a new rider on a liter bike. no one meant it as bashing. i remember what i put poor eviljay on here through when i first got my bike. i was all over the damn place and fucking up simple shit like target fixation. even as i got more comfortable on the bike and with myself, i still never liked riding in big groups. i did it once or twice, but i much prefer to stick with my usual crew of woody and eviljay. good luck this season :tup:

alex, that’s a hot bike. nice pickup man. that leo vince exhaust is going to sound great.


^^ I used to fuck that up all the time

hey honesty about what you bought!! :tup:
lol, nice man. love the color too

Thanks! I really have to get use to cars coming at me in the wrong direction, using turn signals and avoid target fixation. Something funny is that I was croozin and figured I’d give it a little gas. I liked the response but then thought… I don’t want to get a ticket the first day on my bike. I looked down and I was going 27mph LOL :lol:

The MFS class was great and I had an amazing instructor, so I just have to get comfortable.

also, remember your tires wont grip without significant heat in them…

Hard acceleration to heat up the rear, hard front braking to heat up the front.
Looks like you’re running Qualifiers, they provide excellent traction when heated up, just be careful of cold air temps and debri on the roads… IIRC I never really pushed my bike until we had 70+ temps and the roads had been cleared for over a month, even still, i was careful. Normally May is when we started taking pics (even that was early)

^yeah march/april sucks for many reasons

just installed the same exhaust, in titanium. sounds awesome!!

Great tip, thanks! I know how my summer tires are on my STI and it can be scary when they get cold, I could only imagine on a bike.

Nice! I’m pretty happy with the sound, it’s pretty bad ass!

So I realized that this bike has some interesting mods I didn’t notice at first.

-braided steel lines
-CRF450R rear brake booster(cleans up the back quite a bit)

Got rid of those stupid spike things, fixed the rear blinker and bracket. Also put in my order to DDM Tuning for HIDs(low and hi).

New pics when HIDs are in. :tup:

On a side note… every kid waves at you :lol: