07 Cobalt SS bolt on thread *New Pics pg. 3*

pff. nerd.

remember when u put that mount on the cavi. it was 10 times worst
chrises car

10 time worse than the cavi? idk. did you ever ride in it after i replaced the upper mount? that was retarded. i bought a stock upper mount and replace it for my brother. fucking GM tech thought the noise was a wheel bearing. I laughed in his face.

yes i did thats why i say that

I like how with the solid mounts all i see in your headlights at idle is shaking hahah.

^lol I was just bout to make that sig…nice

lol thanks didn’t turn out as good as i wanted cause of the size but it works as a temp for now :slight_smile:

Just so you know that torque damper is not set up correctly to actually do anything benificial for your wheel hop. Right now the ingalls is basically at its softest setting and not doing much at all except creating a little more vibration and cabin engine noise. Only the tranny mounts are helping your wheel hop right now

if he left the ingalls where I had it when I sold it to him it’s actually on it’s stiffest setting according to where ingalls says to measure from. It’s not really doing much anyway considering that the mounts are taking the front to back shock, which is the same thing ingalls does.

P.s. Do you still want those calipers jake?

yeah im going to get em from you.

Right but now all the ingalls is doing is creating un wanted noise, and vibration by not doin anything. The tranny mounts on our car still allow the engine to rotate slightly thats why getting the engine or ingalls helps to stop that rotation and wheel hop.

Where he has it it looks like its at 15mm which really does nothing. I have mine set at 11mm and there is absolutely no wheel hop. I mean its up to him. I just think its creating cabin noise but not giving him any stability like it is meant to do

I bolted it up the way you it was when you gave it to me.

is there instructions online on how to adjust it?


go all the way to the last page with the pic of just the damper and read the captions pointing to each part and you will get it

awesome thanks!

Go do work or something :stuck_out_tongue:


I just sold my ingalls to some dude in cali. I’m looking for a motor mount next.

go with the TTR. its a great mount

j/w… what will the stock bottom end hold in a cobalt SS?

So far people have gotten the lsj crank to hold 350+. (stock motor in fact) My buddy just ordered a new turbo for his setup and will be pushing 400+. we will see. The block is supposed to be good for much much much more.

i know there are a few turbos in the 350 to 400 range and going for more. But im not sure of the actual strength