*08 Buffalo Bandits Thread*

Minny loses!

We win tomorrow we get first? Or Can NY take first?

We hold the tie breaker over Minny,NY and Philly. We are currently in 1st with the Minny loss. If we win tomorrow and pending i’m figuring this right we would have home field advantage through-out. As well as the Championship game. Due to us having the win over colorado and better records than the remaining 3 teams in the west.

could be a sell out tonight! less than 1000 tickets remain!

i will be there tonight :slight_smile:

word…ill also be thurrrrr

what section?

111 i think

i’ll be in 123 or something

117 here

hell ya im bringing 9 people


Bandits end up with #1 spot in division to win the division title as well as #1 seed overall. We have home field through out as well as a home championship game pending we get there. Rochester is out of the playoffs and Philly is in. Next friday the Bandits play Philly and minny plays NY.

I’m missing Friday’s game now… :tdown:

But I’ll be making the next 2

Good game last night. Steenhius (SP*)? got rocked after he scored his goal LOL

I wouldnt call it getting rocked by any stretch. He took a soft punch to the cage after jaw’n to Merrill. Took the fall, drew the penelty and the misconduct, then hopped right up. He knew what he was doing. Either way all-star Brodie Merrill showed exactly how to lose your cool effectively in that game on numerous occasions.

End of the third. You see the guy get kicked in the jugular?

i was there last night… let me say this… 300’s suck compared to 100’s… people in the 100s get rowdy… people in the 300’s do NOTHING…

free tickets were still fun and worth it though. i had a good buzz going

Did you sell your ticket yet?

whose goin to the game friday?

I will be there…

Sloshed out of my mind, since Quad Party at Canisius is that day :slight_smile:

bar crawl is friday today figure head right there after the game its my bday so i plan to get wrecked