~$1,000 Car

Im looking for a decent car, something that doesnt need work or runs like shit.

preferred 4 cly but can be 6
must be Auto

please post pics if you have something.

Thanks guys

Buy Andy’s Civic! Got a brand new axle!

if choda buys a civic, next thing you know slicks and a turbo will be on order and the mustang will be for sale. lol

Why the hell would he want to go slower:)

My gf has a 97 camry she would let go for a grand. It’s grey, 180k miles. She said it’s making a “funny noise” though. I’ve yet to investigate. Let me know if your interested

most the time a girl says a funny noise, its the metal part of the pad going into the rotors and its been doing it for months. lol

hahahah so true

It’s a 5 speed… :frowning: