1,100hp 2.4L honda


99 stroke
88mm bore


Needs an LS1.


idk anyone on this forum who can say they have that much power, although im sure there might be some faster (damn fwd ftl)

I would rather have a slow V8 rwd shitbox cause that is more fun to drive.

And it begins.

sarcasm sense fail!

I dunno who MrSmith is or what he drives offhand fgt… besides it’s a typical NYSpeed response, lulz :slight_smile:

turblo s2k YO!!

Lol even if you didnt, the “slow rwd shitbox” part should of been recognized as sarcasm :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry vtec dawgz

fwd can suck donkey dick.

fwd is about as exciting as a 5 second hand job

That’s awesome.

whats the torque?

any clue what he times he runs? any info of the car? either way im into it!


he was running 9.1’s before with 800hp

alot faster car than most nyspeeders

love the car, amazing numbers, but not for me.

anything more than 250hp at the wheels in a fwd car is a waste IMO, again, just my opinion.

I clicked this expecting that integra narrow funny car looking thing.

Useless numbers in a fwd. same numbers in a rwd and he’d be 2 - 3 seconds faster