1,223-hp Hennessey Cadillac CTS-V Coupe offered to 12 insane owners



Yikes, Thats friggen scary!

I have had this sent to me by at least 5 people. I have yet to see an article with a price tag.
I assume this is the same engine he is stuffing into an extige and charging over a million for, so I would assume this will be priced close to that?

Hideous yet impressive.

1200 hp and a 10 sec 1/4, what is this a supra?

Hideous? No way, fucking sweet

He offered it to 12 people? What does that even mean.

Can I get the powertrain from this in a normal V Coupe body?

Likely, it means that only 12 are being built. Not that he made 12 phone calls and asked 12 individuals if they wanted one.

^ exactly only 12 will be made, I wonder the pricetag

Can i get this in a normal CTS-V sedan? lol…then i would be more inclined to get one

I’m actually surprised it is using the LS7, IIRC it had much thinner cylinder walls than other LS varieties.

I’m guessing the add is probably wrong. Their site says its a 427 aluminium V8. I’m hoping its a reinforced sleeved Ls3 or something of that nature.


Also, if they even sell the 12 I guarantee that if you ask for one he’ll make another for you. Auto trans option +$20K lol.

Is it just me or do Hennessey Wheels look like HRE?


The power some cars are making these days is absurd.

Hennessey always takes someone else’s wheels and puts his own centers on them.

Offering it to 12 people means that 12 people will get screwed over by him at some point along the process lol. I’ve read some crazy stories about that guy.

But does it shoot two foot flames out the tailpipes?

Did anyone see the top comment?

“my wife wanted something that could do 220 in 6 seconds, so i got her a scale”


Thing went 220 mph down in Texas.