1/27/06 1/28/06 Kissing Bridge

Thoguht I’d post up. Who all is gonna be out there riding this weekend?

I’ll be there Friday, and Saturday evenings.

i was informed yesterday they are down to only a few trails. i didnt check the website but its believabe. :tdown: to this winter

i went tuesday night to KB…wasnt TOO bad…coulda been better…
im going tonight again. its nice out. :slight_smile:

I’m heading to Holimont tomorrow morning. Should be awesome! Check the stats at their Web site www.holimont.com.

provided conditions are barable, me, xander,jeller and poopra shold be up there on sunday- if there is more peeps goin up we should all meet up

holimont has amazing snowmaking. i think im going to ride there tomorrow as well.(might as well i have a seasons pass)

im going sunday again…
last night at KB it was awesome…north slope was open…powder EVERYWHERE…
i got ballsy and started going off of lil kickers that were built…it was fun. :tup:

i get out of work at 2:oo sunday…heading up after that at some point with a bunch of people…we should meet up at some point…or even at the bar later :slight_smile:

well be up there, just look for us at the coors light special in the bar by that point

should be out sometime sunday pending good weather…

Saturday around 4 - whenever

I went snowboarding at Holimont yesterday and it was amazing! Going out next Friday as well.