Ok I’m looking to possible slap a blower onto my L76 LSx engine. (Aluminum 6.0L with LS3 heads.) Would putting on some 1.8 or 1.85 rollers help my performance at all? I am not really ready to do a full cam swap yet, but I wouldn’t mind slapping some push rods and rockers in her. Then add the vortech tune and run her like that.
I know a cam would be better but I’m not looking to spend another ~$1200-1500 for a proper cam set up. I can get pushrods and 1.80 rollers for $500 or less.
Factory cam is 198/209 .500/.500 on a 116.
1.8 would give .529/.529
1.85 would give .544/.544
Thoughts, comments, concerns appreciated. 
I realize that high ratios add more stress to the valve train but I’m ok with that lol.
Honestly I like it a lot for something you aren’t looking for all out performance on and still want good drivability. With boost too much overlap is bad(bleeds boost) however at thoes specs you will not be near that at all and if you want to spring the $$$ for some I would grab the 1.85s. They can prob be had used then if you ever put a cam in it just sell them and put the stockers back on.
Also if you are up for hearing a cam choice I have installed 3 of these and LOVE them for a dd type car.
That shit idles and runs like stock and gives a nice powerband still. I am all about the small cam on FI so you can keep great street manners. I am rocking a 232/236 .588 116 in my 418.
Ugh I’d love to put that cam in, but the truck has dod with that cam phaser bull crap so I’d need to pull all that out to put a conventional cam in. I wouldn’t mind something from Mast that utilities the cam phaser but I don’t want to get in that deep yet.
A friend of mine has the Crane 201759 1.8 Rocker kit brand new he’d let go for ~400 with push rods. I’m thinking about grabbing that.
You can get a cam that works with the DOD.
Not worried about the DOD as its already disabled lol. More worried about the cam phasing. I’d either need to get rid of it or get a cam that would work with it. I wouldn’t mind getting a cam to utilize the phasing, that could be helpful and interesting. I really just don’t feel like ripping into a like new engine already.