1$ Beers & 1$ Hotdogs Tonight

@ Lancaster Speedway Tonight!

Its The US Open Kick Off Party

Anyone is welcome


Starts @ 9PM

if bird shit is there… i will more than likely be there…


wat do you mean “mmm bber” all you need is like half of one and ur wasted

whats admission?

exactly. it will be a $1 night.

Jack- admission is free…

wow holy shit i want to go, what a deal 10 hotdogs and 10 beers

freeeeeee admission where else can you go and get a full stomach and walk outta there funny for 20$

holy fuck… tell all your friends…

I will call them both.

wow i was still tanked when i woke up:tup:
best 30$ i spent in a while :slight_smile: and tonight is the other party…wooot wooot

Haha I hate having this thread here! Every time I scroll down teh forums and see $1 beer and $1 hot dogs I get hungry!

I wish it actually said $1 instead of 1$.